Chapter 27- More

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The story is going to be a little slow for a chapters but I'll be posting every day for the rest of February since I'm done with my other book :D

I stepped outside the hotel with Peter to get a bite. We strolled along the sidewalk to see if the old diner I liked was still there.

"Yes." I said with my arms linked to Peter's as I saw the sign down the block.


I turned around to see someone I hadn't seen in a long time, Gabe.

"Hey Gabe!" I smiled. Shouldn't he have graduated by now and in college?

"What the hell happened to you? A bunch of people just didn't come to school one day and never came in." He asked, scratching his head.

"Oh, uhh, I just had to leave for somewhere, there just wasn't any time to say goodbye but I don't know about the others." I awkwardly said and changed the subject "What are you still doing here?"

"I'm helping my dad with the shop for a while before I go to college". Gabe said, looking at me and then Peter "Well I don't want to hold you up, I'll see you around!" he smiled and walked away.

I sighed and leaned my head on Peter's arm "He didn't buy it."

"Who cares? It's still and answer." he laughed "Come'on I need some food."


"So Jasper and Lizzie are going to meet us there," I said as I took a bite of the pancake and smiled at Leanne since she was looking at me like I had risen up from a grave. I should've been prepared for the questions when I came back. I was going to have the same conversation with everyone that I knew.

"Okay," Peter nodded as he looked at Leanne "you go first, I still need to get the dumpster rental."

I sighed and rubbed my face "I still need to go down to the bank and talk to the manager about the money from the pack. I don't even have my ID."

"Don't worry, you said he knows you right? And you'll get your new one in no time."

I needed to reapply for everything, even my driver's lisensce. It was just a miracle that I didn't get caught before. There were so many things that I needed to get done even before we build the house. I needed to get the deed for the land.

"Yea." I nodded, taking a sip of my orange juice and looked at the blueprints of the pack house. We were just going to rebuild it from the ground up.


"Hey!" I waved as I stepped out of the car. I ran to Jasper and Lizzie who were already sorting out the remains of the house.

"I called some people, they're coming tomorrow." Jasper nodded.

"Hey, did you see anyone from school when you got here? I just saw Gabe before."

"Really? No," he shook his head with a sad look as Lizzie came and hugged him "I didn't see anyone yet."

I nodded as I put my gloves on. Lucky him. I walked to a different area and started to throw wood and metal into a pile, as I looked for stuff to hopefully salvage.

After a while of tossing stuff I heard a horn sound and turned around to see a truck pulling up. At least we have something to throw it in now.

I think we were going to finish cleaning tomorrow, we were a quarter way done and with more people tomorrow we could start building as soon as possible.

"Hey." Peter said as he wrapped his arms around me "excited?"

I chuckled "of course."


I watched from far away as I took a water break with Jasper, we were definitely going to finished today, more people were here today.

"Andrea? Jasper?"

We both turned around to the voice and I gasped. I didn't even stop to think about the werewolves who weren't even in living in the pack house. How could I have forgotten them.

"Jasper, you're back... and Andrea..." Brenda said, cracking her voice. I rushed to hug her.

"Hey..." I smiled.

"What are you guys doing here? Oh everyone whose still here'll be so happy to see you!"

"We want to rebuild the pack house." I said pointing at the ruins "wait, everyone who's still here?"

"Yes." Brenda said looking down and shifted uncomfortably "After hearing that the Alpha, your father had died and that there was no one to lead us... one by one people started to leave to find new packs. Just a few of us stayed, we didn't want to leave the town."

"Well I'm glad you stayed." Jasper smiled.

"Thank you." Brenda said softly "and who are those two lovely werewolves?"

I grinned "Peter and Lizzie."


"Yup" we nodded and smiled.

"Wonderful! Oh! I was just suppose to be dropping by to see if anyone was here since I heard gossip, I need to get to the store for dinner. Dear, if you need help with anything give us a call why don't you?" Brenda said as she scribbled down her number.


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