Chapter 2- Trip into the lake

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I had to spend at least an hour cleaning up after Ally. What an annoying little munchkin. I looked at my clock and it was already 7:12.

I took a deep breath and sighed, that meant I had a little over 45 minutes till I had to go to practice. I still needed to eat breakfast. I plopped onto my bed and rolled underneath the covers, taking a break, staring at the ceiling.

I sighed again, I was 18 already, when was I going to find my mate? Would I ever find him? I mentally slapped myself for being so pessimistic, if I continued to be like this I would never find him.

Most werewolves found their mate before they turned 18. I was just one of the very few in my pack that didn't meet their mate yet.

Deep in thought I was interrupted by my phone. I rolled over to my nightstand and grabbed it to see that it was Gabby, inviting me to go to the lake after training.

I looked up at the clock to see there was 5 minutes left till training started and I started to panic, I jumped off my bed. Where did all the time go?! I was going to be late! I rushed to my closet and threw on a tank top and some sweat shorts. I grabbed my blue water bottle off my entry table as I ran down the stairs and passed my brother, Mark, laying on the couch watching soccer. He was as horrible as me, just a family of people who can't keep track of the time.

I stopped and walked backwards to stare the back of his head.

"Aren't you suppose to train today too?" I asked, raising my eyebrows and looked forward to his reaction.

He whipped his head around and grew pale as he remembered, cursing as he scrambled off the couch to change. I rolled my eyes at him, what kind of an alpha was he going to be if he was always this forgetful?

I mentally cursed as I realized I didn't even eat breakfast yet, oh well, I wasn't even that hungry anyway.

I left him behind, no way was I going to wait for that slowpoke. I started sprinting to the track field. Running past people and greeting them. I couldn't be late again, Bernie nearly killed me last time making me do 50 laps in 5 minutes, I absolutely can't stand him yelling at me.

I saw the track field in the distance and saw Bernie standing there waiting for me and Mark with a frown as the others snickered. He glared at me and Mark as he caught up, he never tolerated lateness yet we always were. He always said 'I expect better from you, you're the Alpha's kids'. Or something like that.

He looked at his watch and grumbled, "you're 6 minutes late, I expect you two to be on time, especially you Mark, you should be setting an example for others"

I stifled back a laugh and tried to make a straight face while I stared at the ground. I was just grateful that he didn't make us do anything for being late.

After being chastised some more I run over to Jasper, a 6"5 giant and incredibly muscular, he looked intimidating to outsiders but he was just a jokester. "Hey" he said, cracking a smile. "What are you doing today?"

"After this I'm heading to the lake to meet Gabby and Leo, do you want to come too? Please, I really don't want to be the third wheel again" I said making puppy dog eyes even though I was the one who said yes to the offer.

"Fine" he laughed. I gave my brightest smile and hugged him in thanks.

"Andrea! Jasper! Less talking more jogging!" Bernie barked.

I giggled, poking Jasper and went back to focusing on our current exercise.

Two hours later and I was a hot mess, panting and sweating.

I collapsed on the grass next to Jasper as I gulped down some water.

"Ok that's it everyone, see you on Thursday." Bernie nodded.

A couple more minutes of resting on the cold grass and I was back on my feet, ready to go. I hopped back up and turned to Jasper who was still laying on the grass "Do you want to meet back in front the pack house in 40?"

"Sure, see you." He waved. I definitely needed a shower I was way too sticky and sweaty...

I set off to the pack house in a light jog. All of a sudden I felt a push and was on the ground, dizzy. I looked up to see Lindsay smirking at me "Sorry, I didn't see you there." and walked away.

There was something seriously wrong with her, ever since I accidentally took a lollipop that was her's in 1st grade she's had a grudge against me. It wasn't even a good lollipop, it was chocolate. She actually had the nerve to push the Alpha's daughter.

I glared at her as if I could burn a hole through her head. I just shook my head, there was always going to be someone like Lindsay. Even if it was just because of a lollipop. I needed to channel my anger into something else.

She was just more bitter than usual because her mate rejected her, he was a man-whore more or less and he didn't want to be tied down. I kind of felt bad for her but when I think of all the things she's done to me I just dismiss it. It wasn't worth my time to fight with her

I walked into the main pack house, ignoring the commotion in the living room due to soccer as I passed it and went to my room. I took a quick shower and put on a nice shirt and shorts. As I passed the living room I saw a bunch of the guys including my brother yelling at the tv.

I walked to the front of the entrance and waited there for what seemed like forever, I arrived super early and knowing Jasper he would take all the time he had to get ready, he was just super lazy, even more so than me.

As I waited there for the longest time possible I suddenly heard my name being called and turn my head to the right. Jasper was waving and running to me, I chuckled, if I took a picture of him he would look like those Abercrombie  models. Then again, all werewolves did, it was basically impossible for our kind to get fat.

I grabbed two buckets by the house and started filling it with water, giving one to him.

"What are you doing?" Jasper raised his eyebrows.

"You'll see." I smiled.

We started walking and started arguing about beavers, I don't know why or how, maybe it started with platypuses? Platypi? I don't know the plural for platypus. When we got there we saw Gabby and Leo laughing by the lake. Those two were like two peas in a pod, of course they were, they were mates. Made for each other.

I gave some random hand signals to Jasper, pointing at the bucket he was holding and we tiptoed behind Gabby so Leo could see us. I put my finger to my mouth, he stared at us for a few seconds but quickly went back to talking to Gabby about a marvel movie. Luckily she didn't notice or hear us at all which was a miracle. I mouth 1, 2, 3 and we both dump water all over her, getting water all over Leo too.

"Holy shit!" she yelped, standing up as she was drenched in water and I started doubling over in laughter.

"You two!" she shouted with her hands in the air. I couldn't hear her yell at us over my laughter and I felt someone lifting me up.

I froze and stared at who was holding me, Gabby. I started screaming in protest but to no avail she walked towards the lake. "Gabby! Please please please don't, I'll do anything you say for the next week!" I saw her think about it but then she smiled at me, her sweet smiles were never good.

She tossed me into the lake.

I saw Leo grinning at me and Jasper laughing his ass off. I looked up at Gabby as I spit out some water and reached for her hand, pulling her in with me.

We crashed through the surface of the water that sent ripples everywhere. I was underneath the water and held my breath. I sat at the bottom for a moment, admiring the life at the bottom of the lake before resurfacing.


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