Chapter 3- Crimson

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A couple hours of running through the woods and playing in the lake and I went back to my house to take yet another shower. Wonderful feeling taking 2 showers in one day. I don't think I would ever want to come out of a hot shower. After standing in there for what seemed like an hour. I got out and changed into sweats, perfect for a night of doing absolutely nothing. I giddily skipped out of my room and down the steps to see if dinner was ready. 

“Honey, can you help me?” my mom asked from the kitchen. I quietly sighed, anything for dear old mom, it was going to get dinner out faster, I was glad to help.

I skipped to the kitchen to help her and the others prepare dinner for the 46 werewolves. It was a simple dinner today so we just boiled a bunch of pasta and made pots and pots of sauce. As soon as we were done setting it up on the table, I called everyone to dinner by yelling about 5 times and stood back grinning as I watched them push each other to get to the food, they were barbarians, all of them. Well they are werewolves, I couldn't blame them, they were just hungry.

I squeezed through one of the few gaps between the guys taking a plate of pasta and found a seat conveniently next to Jasper and watched everyone scarf down their food like madmen.
“Hey, are we still going to watch The Dark Knight tonight?” I asked and giggled as I turn to see pasta stuffed into Jasper’s mouth. Disgusting but funny, he just starred at me then nodded in response, noodles waving below his chin.

After dinner, it was only 7, I still had one hour till our movie night. What was there to do? I shrugged and figured I could read a book for an hour. Kill some time.

I walked to the library which was next to one of the small living rooms and walked to the bookshelf and took out Maze Runner. I plopped on the couch and read for the next  hour, checking what time it was every 10 minutes.

I glanced and saw that it was finally 8 and shot up off the couch clumsily knocking my book off in the process, I quickly picked it back up and placed it on the coffee table. I grabbed a post it note and scribbled DO NOT TOUCH, property of Anna, I slammed the post-it onto my book. I ran as fast as I could to the theater room and cannonballed on the couch, I looked up to see Mark staring at me, his eyebrow wiggled questionably.

“What, I like jumping” I shrugged and laughed. “Where’s Jasper?”

“Right here” I hear behind me, I flipped my head back and chuckled at Jasper.

“move over” he exclaimed, flicking my forehead. I slapped his hand away and sticked my tongue out at him for making me sit in the middle.

After the movie, which was absolutely awesome, I was way too out of it so I waved them goodbye and sluggishly dragged myself to my room. I proceeded to drag myself to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth, washed my face, the usual. My eyelids felt heavier and heavier and I slumped on my bed, struggling to pull the blankets over me. I immediately fell fast asleep listening to the ticking noises of the clock…

I opened my eyes, my mouth was extremely dry. What time was it? I got up groaning and rubbed my eyes, I dragged my feet across the cold floor downstairs to get a cup of water from the fridge. Was anyone still awake?

The hairs on my neck stood as I snapped my head to the left, I heard a knock. I shook my head and let it go, there were 46 werewolves living in this giant house, there had to be noise.

As I took a step I sniffed the air, what was that smell? I whipped my head back in confusion and looked around. I couldn't put my finger on it and just dismissed it still a little groggy.

I tiptoed across the room like a ninja and briskly put my back against the wall. I slowly poked my head out of the doorway. Whew, there was a bunch of guys on the couch watching reruns of football. It was nothing and started retreating to the kitchen.

I stopped myself and started to get a whiff of another smell and I looked back, it was like this metallic scent. I smelled it before, I warily walked towards the couch. I got closer and closer and clamped my hand over my mouth as I realized what the smell was.

Of course I had smelled it before.

Goosebumps appeared all over my body. They were dead, Jake, Dylan and Tyler, someone had killed them. Tears streamed down my cheeks and I started to run towards the staircase to get my dad. As I started to run across the carpet my foot got caught in the crease and I slammed onto the floor.

What the hell was going on. I laid on the floor as everything around me began to shake.

The house suddenly started to shake and I heard multiple eruptions that shook the house even more.

I felt an intense heat behind me and a light. A fire had broke out in the living room. It started to spread like wildfire, to the carpet, the curtains and the couch. The windows! By the time I decided to jump through the windows the fire had surrounded me, trapped me. I was sweating from the overbearing heat and my clothes were now stuck to me. I doubled over a coughing fit from the ashy smoke, I took one step back and used my speed to my advantage and raced towards the window and jumped.

I shattered the window and landed on the pieces that fell on the ground. I felt blood coming out from the wounds and spots appeared on my back as I scrambled to get away from the house, as far away as possible.

I watched in horror as the house that I grew up in, that held so many memories and the house that my pack members were still in burned.

Why didn't I stay, find my dad or brother?

The fire blazed and continued to rise, higher and higher till it engulfed the whole building. The fire burned through the wooden floors, walls and roof and began to fall in and I heard my pack members scream and perish under the crimson flames.

I sat on the moist ground, sobbing like I never had before along. I wrapped my arms around my legs and put my head into my knees. I felt hopeless, there was nothing I could do to help nor anyone to help anymore. I should’ve went to find my father or brother instead of running away. 

Too deep in thought I ignored my surroundings

What have I done to deserve this?

Why didn't yell for my father or brother? 

Instead of an answer, I felt a sharp pain on the back of my head.

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