Chapter 14- Lavender

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nooooot edited. huahuahua I've been posting for three days in a row, I should get an achievemnet lol jk.

"You've had a rough couple of months" Nolan said with his elbows on his knees. He was thinking all the details through while I was shrinking into the couch across from him. I turned my head to look around his amazing office, it was even bigger than my dad’s. A gigantic bookcase right behind him and next to the two couches was his giant desk with a great view of the pack land.

"Yes, well there were two people that let me escape, Jennifer and Dexter, the Alpha's son" I continued after he patiently waited for me.

"The Alpha's son?" He asked.

"Yes, his whole pack shunned him ever since he was little and we became friends"

"What about the Alpha?" He asked as he handed me a deli sandwich.

"He rarely spoke to me, I never found out why he had attacked my pack" I said as I unwrapped the sandwich and took a massive bit out it, savoring the taste of everything. Everything I hadn’t eaten in a long time was in there, bacon, turkey, lettuce and even cheese.

"Yes" he sighed not taking notice of my delighted face "I've left a message with the Indigo Rain pack and told to call me back as soon as possible".

"Oh right" he smiled "you said smelled a peculiar smell?"

"Not bad or anything, it's like lavender" I spoke with my mouth full to him.

"Great!" He smiled more. He paused for a moment, looks like he was calling someone again.

Good thing I had just finished the delicious sandwich. What was going on? He just suddenly became super happy... Well, it doesn’t really matter now, I got used to the smell already, it was already weaker here.

"Come" he urged "I'll introduce you to the pack, lots of people have been wondering who you are. They've mistaken you for my mate" he chuckled.

Word got around fast, I wasn’t here for more than 2 hours.

"You don't have one? How old are you?" 
"I'm 22" he stared.
"Well you're very mature for your age" I laughed. How come he hadn't found his mate yet, he was way past the age.
"Well you are very calm for someone in your situation" he chuckled "this way"

He led me through another set of doors to what seemed like a mini auditorium full of people.

“How come you’re introducing me again?” I narrowed my eyes at him.

He shrugged “Well it’s just that you’ve been asked about, whether you’re a new pack member or my mate” he laughed again as we stepped onto the stage.

He cleared his throat and stepped in front of the microphone just as the chatter died.

“Fellow pack members, I’m sure you are aware of the new wolf amongst us”

I internally laughed, they used the term “wolf” here. Not many places used it but it was just unusual.

“-her name is Andrea” he said as he looked at me.

He shifted towards me and whispered “So do you see anyone interesting”

I gained lots of stares, it probably wasn’t everyday that they saw their Alpha so close to an outsider.

I raised my eyebrows “what do you mean?”

“Oh” he back away and crossed his arms “I was sure he was here though” he mumbled.

“He? Who?” I questioned.

He rubbed the back of his head and looked apologetic gaining even more attention among the crowd with everyone poking each other.

“Well I thought that your mate would be here… since you smelled lavender and all”.

My mate? After going through that version of hell? I don’t think that would be the best for me right now.


“You’ve never heard of it?” he asked.

I shook my head aggressively, now all eyes were on us. With their acute listening they probably could hear everything right now.

“It’s one of the few scents that wolves smell when they smell their mate” He explained.

“Are you sure? I smelled it when I was at the Blue Blood pack but it also faded away like it is now”. I… wasn’t really in any hurry to find him.

“It was most likely the wind at their pack if you lost the scent so quickly but… your mate could’ve passed through here” He smiled.

A voice cackled through the silent auditorium “Who would want that gangly wolf?”

Who would actually interrupt their Alpha?

A few laughed, I found the source of the voice to the left side. A blonde sitting with her legs and arms crossed trying to stare daggers at me. Did she misunderstand something, I’m pretty sure I heard him say I was just a friend. Another Lindsay, I knew I was gangly I mean what do you expect from eating horrible food for the past 7 months. I was just about to retort with a sassy comeback but I was interrupted.

“Silence Abigail, I will not tolerate any disrespect towards my guest. Any disrespect to her is one to me” he boomed. Thanks Nolan, I was grateful and smiled inside. She turned her head and looked at the side Andrea 1 Abigail 0.

He continued “Another issue that I would like to mention is that we need to find the Blue Blood pack, they disregarded our sacred rules and blindly attacked another pack, wiping out almost all of them with no remorse”.

What? We’re going to find them?

“Wait, we aren’t going to hurt Dexter or Jennifer right?” I whispered.

“I’ll try my best but I can’t guarantee their safety”

Can’t guarantee? Seriously, I bit my lip trying to think of a way.

“Then I’ll just come with you”

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