Chapter 12- A fight, a chance.

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“Stay here” Dexter huffed.

“Well where else am I going to go?” I muttered as he ran out.

What was happening out there? Did someone just drop something and startle someone? It couldn’t be anything important. I’m sure someone just had a panic attack or something.

Just before the door slammed shut I heard a woman scream and a snarl. Was someone dead? Was there an attack? I bit my lip, would this be a good time to escape? Yea, this would be a perfect time to escape, when a bunch of people were panicking. I could just sneak into the woods and no one would notice. Dexter was the one watching me and he never locked my cell.

As I lifted myself up and neared the door of the cell. Could this really be my chance to escape? I heard the entrance creak open. Was Dexter back already? I quickly plopped myself back down in case if it was someone else.

Soft footsteps echoed down the corridor. I raised my eyebrows, this couldn’t be Dexter or any guy. No it definitely wasn’t, it was… Jennifer? She stepped out of the shadows with a giggle. She was wearing a purple dress this time.

“Come on” she waved.

“I-I-” I stammered as I rose.

“Come on” she repeated.

I hurried and stepped out of the cell running after Jennifer. Should I even be following her?

“It’s a mess outside” She giggled.

Why the hell was she giggling, this was her pack. Shouldn’t she be worried? More importantly shouldn’t she be scared out of her mind? She was just a strong giggly girl I guess.

“Why are you helping me?”

She shrugged as she hopped up the steps “I don’t know, I just like you. You’re neat” She smiled.

What was she actually talking about, she just likes me, no one helps another escape because of that. And who the hell calls someone neat in this decade?

As I stood in front of the door I heard faint snarling and screaming. Was this a good idea to go into the midst of battle? As I pushed open the door I saw the commotion occurring in front of us.

Werewolves brawling it out as women and children hid behind the trees. I scoffed and was horrified at the bloodbath; the women were so high and mighty before and now that can’t simply try to fend off some werewolves attacking their home?

I was yanked back by Jennifer just in time as a black blur jumped past me, attacking a brown werewolf who was in the position of pouncing on me. Just as the black one lunged onto the brown werewolf, he firmly bit the brown one’s neck shaking it aggressively like a dog with a chew toy before chomping with more force making a sickening crunch sound, ending the attempts to retaliate from the brown werewolf.

As he let go, the lifeless body fell to the ground and he stared at me. He showed that he had no intention to kill and stared at me with intent until he nodded at me. Wait was this?

“Dexter?” I asked as I stared at his golden brown eyes. Of course this was I sighed. He was gigantic, being the alpha’s son and all.

He opened his mouth trying to smile in response but was interrupted by a soft growl.

A black werewolf just a little bigger than Dexter stood in front of us, he took no notice of the battle that ensued behind him and stared directly at me.

I stepped back and put my arm in front of Jennifer. Should I shift? No, that wouldn’t help at all. I was way behind in training not to mention malnourished. I could barely fend myself.

While I was thinking of strategies a butt naked man stepped in front of me. He turned to look at me out of the corner of his eye and smirked.

“Sorry” Dexter sheepishly said.

I felt myself blush a little and huffed in response, what am I doing. I saw butts all the time.

Something irked me, as wolves were still fighting in the background no one bothered to attack us.

“Father, what are you doing?” He said softly.

Graham? I narrowed my eyes at the big black wolf, was it actually him? Shouldn’t he be preoccupied with the attack?

Graham took a step forward and Dexter started to growl.

“I won’t back down” Dexter spoke.

He stood tall and proud with his back arched, still naked.

Graham snarled in response and pounced just as Dexter shifted.

No, really. What was happening, why was a father and son fighting. Did Graham just want to kill me?

Dexter sidestepped just in time to avoid Graham. They circled each other, growling louder every second.

Shit, I bit my lip and looked down at my right side to not see Jennifer. Where the hell had she gone?


I jumped around to see Jennifer tugging at my shirt. How convenient, just as I noticed she was missing she had appeared again.

We had to get out of here. I wasn’t helping anyone just by standing here. I looked back at Dexter and Graham to see Dexter finally make a move.

He lunged at Graham but failed as he just stepped back and made a noise that sounded like a laugh. Was he really mocking Dexter at a time like this. He wasn’t even taking this seriously. Dexter saw his chance and jumped on top of him though he just shook him off.

I cursed under my breath. Even if Dexter is as big as Graham, he never had that much training. He wasn’t as experienced at Graham.

I felt something cold slip into my hand. I looked down to see Jennifer in the midst of putting a kitchen knife in my hand. She smiled brightly at me.

I looked at the knife in my hand and then at the fight in front of me. Dexter was already hurt while Graham was fine. How was I even suppose to stab Graham?

Chances, any openings for me. I calmed my breath and focused.

“In a minute” Jennifer whispered.

What? A minute she said?

Once again Graham pulled back and Dexter snapped at him, getting just a bit of his neck.

“Now!” Jennifer said, pushing me.

I was caught by surprise but sprinted at Graham just a few feet away, holding the knife high and jumped on him. Clutching his black fur I plunged the knife into the side of his body and heard him howl in pain. I got a glimpse of Dexter before getting flipped off.

The knife was still deep in Graham as he fell to the ground.

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