Chapter 5: The Coffee Cake Inception.

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Hey everyone sorry that I haven't updated this story in a while I hadn't been in the writing mood and I was having a bit of writers block along with just my everyday responsibilities that I have. Hopefully his entry makes up for the absence. This chapter does have a lemon in it. :) Enjoy!

"You need to get out of that lease young lady!!!" Crocodile yelled into your ear. So loud you checked to see if blood was coming out of it.

"It'd be well over 10 grand! I can't afford that!"

"I'll pay it and find something else for you! You should've told me when he sent you the rental info!"

"I'm not going to be in debt to you for more money! I'm paying off the loan you co-signed so I could buy the building my cafe occupies. By the way how did you find out he's my new landlord I hadn't even told anyone yet."

"The fucker called me to ask why I wasn't taking care of my 'little pet!' When I asked him what he meant and who he was talking about he all too gleefully said you'd moved into one of his buildings and signed a year lease!" Growling or yelling didn't describe the volume for his voice. He was thoroughly freaking out.

He kept getting louder and louder in volume. Donquixote Doflamingo always creeped you out. He was tall and good looking but just how he carried himself and the way he would speak always gave you bad vibes. Plus Law had always hated him. He never would say why though.

"Look I'll stay the year then I'll look for something else. But for now I'll deal with it, besides he's some big business tycoon isn't he? He has his hands in everything I doubt he'll bug me all that much."

It went silent on the other end.

"If you say so, just let me know if he does anything that wouldn't be considered appropriate for a landlord. Got it?"

"Got it. I gotta go, I'm going on earlier tomorrow and need to go to bed."

"Night Y/N."

"Night Crocodile."

You'd decided to eat some of the coffee cake and left some for Law. You found it funny this was the one dessert that he liked. Considering it was a close relative to bread...which he hates.

You went to bed dreaming about how you'd come up with the recipe to begin with.

2+ years ago.

"Law why do you hate bread?" You and Law had just going out not that long ago. At the moment you were thinking of new pastries and recipes to add to your menu for when you opened your own café. You realized halfway into your task that most of what you made was pastries and bread. Things that Law hated.

"That is awfully random why do you ask?" He put the medical journal he was reading down giving you his upmost attention.

"I'm just curious. My favorite hobby is cooking and baking and I am just realizing that a lot of my favorites are bread related. I was trying to think of ways to tweak certain things so we can enjoy more homecooked meals and desserts. And it just got me thinking; why would someone hate bread? And I came up with nothing. So I thought I'd ask the bread hater himself."

He chuckled then and placed the journal on the table. He also took your notepad and pen away from you and pulled you into him. He laid himself on the couch and had you on top of him. He placed a tentative kiss to your lips and began to play with your hair as he spoke.

"My dad was a doctor, not my adoptive dad my biological father before he passed away." Silence more hair twirling. You nestled into his chest trying to provide whatever comfort you could. "He was a brilliant man. Kind, compassionate, loving, funny and attentive. Not just with his family but with his patients as well. He had his own clinic and he was well-known for being one of the de best doctors around. My mom was nothing to sneeze at either. But I idolized my father. And he hated bread, and I wanted to be just like him. So I decided as well that I didn't like bread. So here we are."

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