Chapter 31: Our Family (The End)

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<6 years later>

"Mom! Tell Cora to knock it off! He took my wooden sword again!"

"Mom tell Ryuma to quit sneaking into my room and grabbing my stuff then!"

Your two sons came running into the cafe. Luckily it was close to closing time and the only two people in the building were Koby and Helm, both police officers now. Who both got a chuckle out of your boys' shenanigans.

"Hi Cora. Ryuma. I missed you too today."

"We missed you too Mom but seriously tell him to stop!"

"You too Cora!"

"Alright enough! Both of you need to stop going into the other's room without permission. And the retaliation needs to stop."

"Hahaha. Koby look coffee and a show."

"Be nice Helmeppo-San. Y/N is a great mom to them both."

Ryuma looked just like Zoro and took up kendo as did Cora. With Zoro's dojo being just a block away they easily walked here from practice. Cora was now almost 8, and Ryuma had just turned 5.

Ryuma's birth had been difficult. Due to the scar tissue you had from your first couple of surgeries, the c-section had gone wrong resulting in your getting an emergency hysterectomy. The thought still made you a little sad, you had thought that maybe you would want more kids but it just wasn't in the cards for you.

"Mom is there any left over?" Cora and Ryuma asked. Their eyes lighting up.

"Your homework is done right?"

"Yep, I just have to read later."

"I spelled my full name and even wrote Cora's name and Uncle Law's. I wanna show Sam when I get home."

"Hehehe okay baby."

The door flung open to a very out of breath Zoro.

"You little shits! Next time tell me that you're going go Mom's place. I about had a heart attack."

"You two! Again?!"

"Dad we did but you were talking to Mihawk-sensei. And you always take forever when you two talk."

"It's true uncle Zoro, you do. We didn't want to miss Mom's special kids cake! It's the only kind I like!"

"Yeah Dad!"

"Your Mom always has a slice for you two, it's no excuse to scare me and it know where you both are."

They looked at their feet at Zoro's stern talk.

"Sorry Dad."

"Sorry Uncle."

"Thank you both. Now I gotta go lock up. I'll be back in an hour Y/N."

"Hehehe okay."

"Dad you still can't find the house by yourself?"

"You're one to talk Ryuma. You got lost on the way to Grandpa's and he lives just a few minutes away."

You chuckled again. Koby and Helm walked up to pay for their stuff, they worked for your for three years and they still got their employee discount.

"See ya later Boss. By boys." Helm waved his goodbye while Koby ruffled their short hair and walked out.

"Okay which fruit do you want over the cake?"

"Can I do raspberry Mom?"

"Okay Ryu. And Cora?"

"Can I do blueberry?"

"Of course but you gotta give me payment."

They giggle and came around, you knelt to their height and they kissed you on your cheeks. And hugged you.

"Do I get some love too?"

"Dad! You didn't have to go to the hospital today?" Cora ran to give his father a hug. Ryuma followed slowly after to get a hug from his uncle.

Your family dynamic was definitely unique, Nami and Perona teased you that all you needed was one more man and you could have a harem. Law and Zoro co-parented the boys to a certain extent, however when it came to punishments, that's where they but out of the others business.

It wasn't perfect, sometimes you would take the boys to Pop's house and stay there when Zoro and Law would argue about certain things. Like who got to sleep next to you next, or who got to have sex with you. Other times they became fed up with the arrangement and they would stay the night away from the house each going to a different hotel.

One thing they never did was make the boys feel unloved or that they regretted them in any way, shape or form. You were an incredibly lucky woman. You got looks every now and again when you went somewhere where majority of people who didn't understand your family would side eye or whisper about you. One day you would go further into detail with the boys about it. But not today. You walked over to kiss Law, he grabbed the back of your head and lingered.

"Ew! Gross!"

"You won't think that one day when you guys get someone you like to kiss."

"You mean like Cora and his friend Sara?"

"Shut up Ryu!"

"What? Mom already knew."

You laughed at Cora's pink cheeks. And went back to get tue boys their treat. You'd added more kid friendly items after having Cora, even taking a nutrition class so you could make tatsy healthy treats.

"Hey Uncle Law I finally wrote Cora long name today! But it's still messy."

"Good job kiddo."

While the boys had their cake, you have Law a piece of coffee cake. And soon Zoro came in, and you gave him the same treat as Law.

When it was time to head home, Cora wanted to ride with Law, since he hadn't really seen him for the past couple of weeks. Law evidently told the hospital to find another on-call surgeon for the next month.

"Hey Mommy...if Sam was still alive do you think you and Daddy would've still had me? I was wondering about that today?"

You smiled.

"Yes baby. I couldn't live without you. I love you to pieces."

"Cora, Daddy and uncle Law too right?"

"Yes sweetie. I love you all to pieces."

Zoro grabbed your hand and gave it a squeeze. You squeezed it back.

"It's game night tonight at Grandpa's house! Imma beat uncle Luffy at hide and seek!"

"You got this buddy!" Zoro encouraged his son.

When you arrived at the house, Cora waited outside for you all to pull up. Law, followed out locking the door, you 5 would always walk to Pops' house. The trail was short but it always made you smile.

Law, Zoro, Corazon, and Ryuma were all walking ahead of you. And you stared at their backs.

Yeah I am one lucky woman.

"Mommy c'mon!" Your boys yelled for you, and your men held out their hands to you, you intertwined your fingers through theirs and walked side by side while your sons, walked ahead.

"Law. Zoro. Thank you."

"You're welcome." The each kissed a cheek. And as you found yourself thinking that this life never would've happened without a whole lotta love and a little bit of coffee.

{The End}

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