Chapter 24: A breath of Fresh air

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What a fucking day. You were beyond exhausted and you couldn't keep your eyes open long enough to even think straight. You were to stay with Pops for a month, he paid for your next three months of rent. (That had been non-negotiable. He'd done that while your were getting your stuff). And you were to not leave with property unless you really needed to. Like tomorrow. When you had your first prenatal appointment. Law had suggested the earliest time so you could come back here sooner and hence be safer.

You'd given Pops the deed to the land and he said that he would take care of the sale in your stead. You would have to sign a document that gave Pops the Power of Attorney over the sale in your stead. But you didn't care. All you wanted was for the 20 acres of the wildlife preserve to be left alone. That was a whole other complicated issue that the government would need to get involved in.

Pops also offered a job to Barto and your other employees while the cafe was under construction so one, Barto could meet his parole requirements and two no one else lost out on their paychecks. Ace being the exception considering his condition.

Right before you closed your eyes you heard a knock on your door.

"Who is it?"

"It's me Y/N-ya. Can I come in?"

You saw now reason not to let him in. While figuring out your relationship was low on your priority list, you also didn't see any reason to have no conversation at all.

"Come in Law."

He slowly opened the door, and walked in, sat next you and took your hand.

"Sabo told me that you threw up for a good 10 minutes while on the road. You'd fill feeling sick?"

"Hmm no, just tired."

"Okay." He rubbed the knuckle of your thumb. "I told Robin that you were pregnant. She asked me when we were together. I was honest and said the hospital before she and I got together."


"And well while she likes kids, she doesn't want to be a girlfriend to a guy who has a kid in his life and clash with you."

"Shit Law I'm sorry."

"You're not at fault."

"I didn't push you away that day. And took advantage of the situation."

"We were both in the wrong then." He smiled his bitter smile that he got when he was upset.

"Law I really am sorry."

"I'm not upset with you anymore Y/N-ya I haven't been for a while now. We'd both moved on and I was okay with being just friends with you. Now? I don't know what to do."

You smiled.

"Tomorrow at the doctors appointment I'll show you my priority list and you can think about what to do after you see it."

"Sounds good. Rest now and I'll see you tomorrow." He kissed the top of your head and walked out. Not 5 minutes later you passed out.

You'd woken up feeling hungry and thirsty. You wanted to be careful about what you ate in case if come up on you later. When you reached the downstairs you saw the kitchen light was already on. You smiled already knowing who was in there.

"Hey Luffy. You get the munchies too?"

"Woah!! Y/N! Don't scare me like that I almost dropped the meat."

He was holding an uncooked steak. That already had you a little concerned.

"Were you going to try and cook?"

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