Chapter 10: Goodbye? Or see you later?

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You'd had the best sleep in a long time. You couldn't remember falling asleep only that it had felt amazing. When you woke up it was 7am, you had a mini freak out cause you realized you were late to open the cafe, but then remembered that you were meant to take the day off. It felt weird. You sent a text to Pops asking when he would come pick you up, he let you know it'd be closer to 10am, so you decided to make coffee and have a lazy morning something you hadn't done in a long time.

You stood out on your balcony and breathed in the autumn air, soon you'd have to get the cafe decorated for Halloween, last year you'd had the cafe open to allow trick or treaters, and a warm place to hang out for the teenagers. It was fun to think about how you would decorate for the holidays. Perona helped last year and she and Barto made a great team, you gave yourself a mental reminder to ask her later.

Shit I can't turn my mind off about the business.


You saw a text from Barto.


You: I'll try. I trust you thanks 🙏

Barto☕️: Shucks boss u making me blush! See you tomorrow 👍

You: see you then 😅

The past year and a half, you hadn't taken a single day off. You realized now at home you could probably use more than one day away. However you'd need to hire more people for that and that just wasn't in the budget.

"So much for relaxing."

You took out your laptop and began a spread sheet about what you needed to do in the next 5 years to grow your business.

An hour later and you felt productive, you showered and got ready for Pops to show up. You were in your favorite pair of faded black jeans, with a v-neck grew crop top, and had started doing your makeup when your door bell rang.

"Coming! I should've known he'd get here earlier."

But when you opened the door it wasn't Pops standing there bur Law. You couldn't hide the surprise on your face.

"Law?" He didn't give you time to say much else. He simply grabbed your face and kissed you, while pushing you backward into your apartment. When the door was closed, you pushed against his chest, trying to create space for yourself. "Wait, wha-what are you, how did you find where I lived?"

"Sabo told me, fuck I missed you!" He pulled you into a warm embrace. Which you returned.

Shit I can't keep going at his pace! At this rate nothing will be said or resolved or figured out! And Pops is coming soon!!!

"I thought we agreed to meet on your next day off to talk?"

"I couldn't wait after last night I needed to see you again. And damn, you still got it babe. Nice outfit." He teased you heard the smile in his voice.

"Law, we're going to get in a rut soon if we keep this up." He squeezed tighter than let you go.

"I know, sorry. After last night I just couldn't help myself. We finally felt like us again. And I didn't want that feeling to fade." His smile turned embarrassed. "I thought if I could distract you with my body, I could persuade you into giving us another shot."

Your heart leaped. In truth a few months ago, that would've been enough, not now though. Now you had to start from the very beginning.

"Even you're not that sexy enough to distract me."

"Ouch! Hahaha."

"Pops is going to be here probably in another hour. How about we make small talk over a cup of coffee and save the important talk for later?"

Law's handsome face, so chiseled, perfect and yet so emotionally flawed. You two had found one another by accident and had fallen in love. At one point, you'd thought you two would be married or at least engaged by now. He was 29, successful, handsome and dedicated everything anyone woman would want.

But because of everything there was always going to be a shadow of doubt that of you two were to try again, you would need to find a way to let that feeling go or go to a therapist for help.

And you weren't even sure if you wanted to do that. Sure having sex had been nice, you two hadn't been intimate with each other for a long time. But you didn't want to rekindle anything because of sex, it just wasn't healthy in your book.

"Tomorrow? I am off for a whole two days. I can meet you at your cafe."

"I'll think about it. But for now, you should probably go."

He nodded his head and brought you in for another hug; and then just like that he was gone. Leaving you to think about how you wanted your relationship to continue, or if you even wanted to get back together at all.

"To try or not to try that is the question."

And it was a question you would think about later, cause not three minutes later your heard a pounding on your door.

"Move your ass Lass! We have a lot to do today!"

You smiled and went to spend the rest of your day with the man who raised you.

<Law's POV>

He was driving home smiling! Last night at the hospital had been amazing, he felt that they had truly connected in a way that they never had before. They laid everything out bare, and accepted each other for your flaws and emotions.

When he got home, he went inside and got Bepo to go for a walk. But before he could even get inside, Zoro came on his motorcycle and pulled off his helmet. Law was about to say hi, but one look at his friend's face, and he frowned.

"What's wrong Zoro-ya?"

"So you think that you can have sex with Y/N and she'll forget everything you ever did to her?"


"What are you talking about Zoro?"

"I went to the hospital yesterday to go and see Y/N, imagine my surprise when I overheard you both talking about why you had broken up."

Oh shit, wait that means he knows what we did.

"You stupid asshole! You cheated on her! For more than a year! You fucking cheated on her!!" Zoro was yelling now, causing a scene something that Law hated. "If you couldn't handle her independent spirit then you sure as hell won't be able to handle it now!"

"What are you trying to say Zoro?"

"That I am not going to let you have her again. You lost her, I'm no longer going to bury my feelings for her. I am going to fight to capture her. And I am not going to hold back. You're in for a fight Law, be prepared."

And as fast as he came he left, and left Zoro standing there with his mouth open and his anger mounting.

"Fuck you Zoro."

Law was seriously going to have to fight to get you back and keep you, and he was going to make sure he continued to fight everyday from now on. He wasn't going to lose you.

Sorry for the short chapter, the next chapter is going to be all about Pops and Y/N, and about their relationship. So far we have two contenders. Law and Zoro for reader's affections. Comment on who else you would like to see fight for her, or if you would like a "BATTLE" just between our favorite doctor and swordsman?

Let me know!

Stay safe and healthy

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