Chapter 16: Landlords and Donuts

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*This picture was just too perfect not to use 🤣🤣🤣*

You wanted to skip work so badly, but Koby and Helmeppo worked today and you needed to be there. It was Saturday, Barto's day off and your presence was very much in need. You also had a business dinner to go to later.

The day was going so much better than the day before. A steady flow of people, no mistakes, you had made the perfect amount of coffee cakes and you'd closed the day making 2,000 beris more than what you were used to. You made extra coffee cakes, one for each of your workers and 30 for the man you were going to see later on.

Zoro had been texting you a lot more, I guess Law had told him that you both had 100% broken up now and that he could have you all to himself now. His texts were a bunch of funny anime memes that he figured you'd appreciate instead of asking how you were. You did.

Right before closing the door pinged.

"Hello we'll be closing in 5 minutes what can I get you?" Your back was turned so you didn't see who came in.

"Mufufufu why thank you." That voice made your skin crawl. But you didn't let it show. The man was your landlord and customer.

"Hello Mr. Doflamingo, what would you like today?" He looked you up and down in a way that made you feel really uncomfortable, but you kept facing forward and stared at his face covered by the shades.

"I was hoping to discuss business talk with you. If you're not busy at the moment."

"Ah well, today is actually not a good day. We still have half of our cleaning left to do and I have a dinner to go to tonight." His smile was now gone and he seemed irritated.

"Miss L/N. I am a very patient man about most things, one thing I don't handle well is rejection." You gulped and tried to calm down your heart which was beating like a hummingbird's wings.

"I didn't reject sir. I am merely postponing a meeting. I do have a meeting for tonight which I set up three days ago. If you are available tomorrow I am off from work and can meet you then." You did your best not to stumble over your words, which you did do a lot when you were nervous.

He leaned over the counter and came very close to your face, you didn't blush cause you weren't embarrassed, you were grossed out by this man. There was just something about him that had your body want to recoil from him. He was way too close to you for comfort.

"Very well. I will call you when I am on my way to your place. I am looking forward to our discussion." He held out his hand, you went to shake it but instead of grabbing your palm he brought your hand to his lips and kissed it. "See you soon." He left and once he did, your whole body shook with the shivers and you wiped your hand on your thigh trying to erase the feeling of his lips on your hand.

"Urg he gives me the creeps!!!" You took the deposit to the bank and then went home to get changed and do your makeup. Since it was a formal thing, you went with your nicest khaki pants, your red v-neck sweater with a black lace undershirt to hide your cleavage, and your hair you let down and be wavy, you put in diamond stud earrings and gave your eyes a Smokey eye and you put on a semi-permanent lip balm that brought out the natural color of your lips a little more.


Charlotte 🍩: Here are the directions. I shall see you there in 20 minutes. If you get there before me give them my name, I made a reservation.

You: Thank you. See you soon.

You took a deep breath and headed out, on your way out you ran into Detective Smoker, who was just as surprised to see you.

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