Chapter 7: Smoker's warnings & an unwanted visit

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Walking into your apartment you were exhausted, 6 interviews and you had to decide which 4 you weren't going to go with. Ironically the 2 that you liked the most were college kids that just started at Sabody Junior college, both were Criminology Majors. 

When you looked up you saw Detective Smoker standing in front of his door, his arms crossed and legs crossed in front of him and a frown on his face.

"Good evening Detective." He came to his full height and came to stand in front of you. 

"Are you open to a talk Ms. L/N? There is something you should know."

"Uh sure. I haven't had dinner yet, would you like to join me?"

"No thank you, it won't be a long discussion."

What the hell is going on? I am nervous.

You began to start the prep for your dinner, you were going to do lemon salmon with shrimp, broccoli and corn. As you were taking the fish bones out Smoker was walking around taking in his surroundings. 

"You have many good friends I see."

He was at your wall you dedicated to your photos. 

"Yes I do."

"I feel like some are missing though."

"Ah well I recently broke up with my boyfriend. I put those photos away."

"I see."

Another few moments of silence before he spoke again.

"How well do you know he guy who owns this building?"

"Doflamingo?" He nods his head while still looking at the photos. "Why?"

"Let's just say he's not the most law abidding citizen. Just wondering if he ever approached you with a business offer."

"Uh no...Crocodile is my business partner, or I guess it'd be more accurate saying would be my advisor."

"CROCODILE?" You flinched at the sudden volume. "Why the hell would you do business with him? He's a crook!"

Now you were getting mad, Crocodile did in fact have a troubled past, one that he shared with you on multiple occasions. But he was working clean now. 

"Detective Smoker, are you in the habit of judging everyone who has a criminal record? Are they not allowed to have second chances? The only crime I wouldn't condone second chance is rape or murder of any kind. I know what kind of man he is now. Who he was before doesn't matter."

Smoker just stared at you, the look on his face was one of disappointment.

"Crocodile has already told me not to trust Doflamingo, and my ex boyfriend despised him for whatever reason. If that is all please leave I would like to eat in peace."

He huffed and began to walk out when he paused at the door.

"If you receive a business offer don't take it. Your cafe is doing amazing without anyone's help. Have a good night." And he left. Once he did you felt tears stinging your eyes; he said what you had wanted Law to say all along. That he believed in you and what you wanted to do. You wanted the same encouragement that you would give him, when he would have a bad day and he never did.

"I wish I could go back in time and fix everything that went wrong." But you knew that wasn't going to happen so you finished making your dinner than decided to go to bed early. 

~Next Day~

This morning was going by so much better than the last. You were in the middle of making your coffee cakes, while Ace and Barto were setting up at in the front. 

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