Chapter 2: Morning after

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"Y/N!! What happened with you and Tra-guy? I went to pick up Bepo and he was crying!!!!!" You looked up to see Luffy coming up to the door just as you were flipping your sign to closed. Barto was cleaning the windows but gave you a look that spoke volumes.

"Luffy can you not yell please? The whole street doesn't need to know." You huffed and walked back inside. Luffy followed you in, along with Bartolemeo.

"Y/N are you okay? Did you and Traffy have a fight?"

You took a deep breath and stared at Barto and Luffy, you'd known Luffy for forever he was practically you're family, and Bartolemeo had been with you since you hired him and you considered him to be an irreplaceable employee and friend.

You guessed if you were going to tell people you might as well start with these two.

"We broke up last night." You waited, for a few seconds neither of them said anything but then they finally reacted.

"EEEEHHHHH????!!!! BUT WHY???!!!" They were shouting now.

"You guys it's complicated."

"That just means you don't want to get into it-dabe."

"Look we just don't have the same feelings for each other anymore. We stopped being able to communicate with each other and neither of us can seem to make the other happy anymore."

"But Y/N...I don't want you guys to break up..." Luffy looked about ready to cry.

"I'm sorry Luffy but this isn't about your feelings it's about ours. And we just don't want to be with each other anymore." You pinched the bridge of your nose, trying to calm down, you didn't want to cry.

"Okay Y/N...should I still walk Bepo?"

"Yes goof that dog loves you, and he needs the exercise. And don't worry I'll still pay you too."

"Okay..." Luffy being Luffy wasn't great with words so your best friend just hugged you. Tightly. And held in for a good long while before turning to leave. By the end of the day everyone would know about you and Law, Luffy didn't know how to keep his mouth shut.

"Alright boss spill it." Barto growled. "Tell me why you two really broke up. I'm not friends with him like Luffy is."

You breathed in and out, trying to calm your emotions down but it wasn't working tears were starting to form and make their way down your cheeks.

"He-he cheated on me...f-for more than a month. An-a-and frequently. I think i-it's been a year of him doing it too. With a woman named Monet. She's a nurse at the hospital where he works." You broke down in a sob. Falling to the floor on your knees.

"I don't understand why...I said I was sorry about keeping the cafe a secret! I tried to make him apart of the process and getting it started. I apologized over and over again. I tried to make up for it, he refused to talk to me. And yet he had the nerve to stand there like he was the victim!!! And that damn slut comes in here to rub it in my face! To hell with them both they deserve each other!!!" Your voice was rising with each sentence spoken.

"Why does it hurt so damn much!!!!"

You continued to cry. Not bothering to think about anything but your pain. You jolted when Barto kneeled down to hug you. He didn't say anything just offered comfort, rubbing his hands over your back you started to relax. You sniffled, it's been a long time since you'd ugly cried.

"Sorry about the water works." You were using napkins to blow your nose.

"I don't mind Y/N. You've never judged me and you even gave me a job after I got out of prison. I'm grateful for that."

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