Chapter 22: Coming undone

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By the time you and Katakuri were done, it was almost 7pm. You had blown your budget by almost 10k. Katakuri had convinced you to purchase some items that you originally hadn't thought of, or even needed replacing. But he assured you that it all be worth it when you earned it all back in the first month.

You felt your phone buzz and your blood ran cold.

Unknown: tick tock, tick tock. Times running couldn't even keep a man how do you plan on keeping anything else in your life?

"Y/N? Are you alright?" Katakuri was leaning down to your level and his frown lines were present.

"Oh yeah, sorry just saw my credit card balance, I maxed it out. Luckily we're all done for the night." You attempted a smile but you couldn't get your face to really work.

"Would you like to come over for dinner? I have my own place and it has a rather nice view of the city. I can't promise steaks like at my restaurant, but well, I may a decent veggie soup."

"Oh uh..." Did he just invite me to his house? For dinner? Before you can give an answer your phone rang and you saw Zoro's name and photo come up. "Sorry I gotta take this, be right back."

You walked a little ways away.


"Hey Y/N, you still want to do dinner tonight?"

"Yeah, YES! Uh what do you want?"

"How about I do takeout and bring it to your place? We can eat, talk, watch movies?"

"That sounds amazing Zoro. I just have to visit the hospital and then I'll be home in about an hour and a half."

"Why do you need to go to the hospital?" He sounded anxious.

"Barto couldn't come today, he went to the hospital for dehydration cause he'd been throwing up since 1am."

"Poor guy...wait, so who's with you right now helping you?"

"You know Charlotte Katakuri? My business partner he's here with me. We're all done now and just about to leave."

"You were with him by yourself all day?"

"Yeah, but it was all business nothing more." It got quiet on the other line. "Zoro?"

"Yeah I'm here, I'll see you soon." He hung up.

You were a little hurt at that. You went to Katakuri and had a small smile on your face.

"Sorry Mr. Charlotte but I wanted to visit my employee to make sure he was okay, and also it's been a long day I would rather just go home tonight."

"I understand. Another time perhaps?"

"Uh yeah perhaps." Ding.

Unknown: Maybe you should get a pregnancy test. That time you spent with the good doctor...when was the last time you got your period?

What the fucking hell??? Am I being stalked.

Unknown: Remember you can't tell anyone about me, not if you want your loved ones to stay safe. Like that rocker employee of yours.

You didn't waste anytime, you immediately ran to your car, and sped all the way to the hospital. Katakuri yelled for you but you didn't bother to look back.

You tried to call Barto several times with no answer, each minute that went by your anxiety only mounted. When you reached the hospital, you ran to the reception desk.

"Miss we'll be right-huh Y/N?" Penguin seemed surprised to see you, you were breathing heavily and probably looked half crazy.

"Penguin...ha ha Is Bartolemeo here?"

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