Chapter 4: Loyal Employees

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You'd been emailing your new landlord back and forth, you'd paid first and last months rent along with a security deposit. You used your credit card to buy a futon bed, a couch, a folding dining room table, a closet along with various kitchen dish wear and utensils. You opted out getting a coffee maker since you owned a coffee shop and could get it there.

Barto agreed with you on that. Apparently he didn't have a coffee maker either since you allowed him to drink as much coffee he wanted for free he said going one day without it wasn't that big of a deal.

Law insisted on helping you move, but that felt too weird for you so you opted to have him help you pack. You weren't moving until Tuesday but you were a busy person so you decided to get the packing done early.

The birthday dinner at the Newgate's place had been fun. Pops had offered you your old room again for rent free but you'd told him you'd already found a new place. He wasn't happy but he understood.

"I'm sorry things didn't work out Lass. If nothing else all my sons are available. Gurararara." You couldn't laugh. Your heart still constricted when you thought of being with someone else. Pops must've noticed the sad look on your face cause he soon pulled you into a hug. "We love you Lass, don't let one jerk break your beautiful spirit." Pop

"I'll try." You whispered. Ace hades in offered to drive you home, but you reminded him that you'd brought your own car. Hoisting your new bag over your shoulder you walked inside greeted by Bepo. Along with almost everything being packed.

"Someone was productive." Law was probably sleeping. So you left a note for him, saying thank you for all his help and then went to bed. You had work tomorrow and you had to be at your new apartment right after work to make sure all the stuff you bought could be delivered. Yes you were one of those people that liked to shop online for home stuff.

You woke up and went to the coffee shop. When you got there you noticed the detectives standing outside of their vehicle waiting to be let in. You opened the back door and turned on one of the self-serve coffee machines. And decided to open up a little earlier they seemed surprised.

"Morning detectives. How are you both this morning?"

"As well as any homicide detectives can be I suppose." Smoked chuffed out. He smelled strongly of cigars.

"Well how about a coffee on me then?"

"We couldn't do that to you Y/N. We will contribute to your business m of course." Drake was always polite in the way that he spoke. He was also extremely tall, he towered over you and Smoker and you think he might even be taller than Barto too.

"Hey boss! You in here?" Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

"In the front. You guys want your usual to go?"

"Actually we're not on a case right now, and we thought it would be nice to sit and enjoy our coffee and bagels for once."

They'd never done that in the whole year that you'd been open.

"Of course you're welcome to. This will be a first."

They got their coffee and their bagels, along with a few breakfast sandwiches and orange juice and water. They were talking in hushed voices but you didn't try to pry, it may be about their work and that was something you didn't want to know or hear about.

"So boss, you think about what I said about hiring more people?"

"I did, if you have time today I'd actually like to go over some things with you after we close if that's alright."

"Sure I don't mind but why me?"

"You've been with me since the beginning, I consider you my partner in this business more than my employee and I value your opinion."

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