Chapter 28: New Chapter Starts

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Beeping, and lots of it. And something itchy around your belly.

What's with all the damn beeping? I feel so heavy. I need some water. Where am I?

"Doctor she's waking up!"

Doctor? Why am I at the doctors.

"Y/N! A thank heaven you're okay!" Law came in, and brought his forehead to yours. "Y/N, I don't know if you remember but your were in a car accident, you got run off the road do you remember that?"

You thought about it for a minute and then it all came flooding back to you. You went to talk but you coughed instead.

"Here, here's some water. Don't drink too fast or else you'll throw up."

You gulped down the water bit by bit, your throat relishing in the wetness it was missing. When you finished the cup, Law brought you another one.

"Y/N-ya, I-I need to tell you something. Something about the babies."

The babies! That's right!

"Law they're okay right? It all happened so quick! I didn't have time to cover my belly! Are our babies okay?!" His face said it all, they were not okay. " no no no!" You were screaming now and clinging to your body. Law encircled his arms around you and held you close.

"Y/N, one made it."

"Sniff sniff. What? What do you mean?"

"One of our sons didn't make it. But our other son is alive. We've been monitoring him around the clock. We had to perform surgery to remove the other baby. But I've filled out the paperwork for us to take his body for a funeral."

More tears spilled from your eyes. You lost one baby and the other was still with you.

"Wait sons? We were going to have two boys?" He nodded tears now flowing from his face. He held you again.

"Hey Traffy is-Y/N! You're awake!" Luffy ran to you but his hug was gentle and warm. "Y/N...I'm sorry this happened. I'm going to beat up the asshole that did this to you!" His hug tightened ever so slightly.

"Y/N!" Ace and Sabo now walked in Law moved so your friends could hug you. The next person to walk in shocked you. It was Zoro, he looked exhausted and weary. He didn't try to come towards you but he didn't leave the room. Pops was the next person to come in, looking relieved, sad, angry and vengeful all in one.

"Lass, I'm sorry about your son. I picked out a casket for you, and I thought that maybe you would want to bury him on the property."

Before you could answer someone else entered the room followed by your two favorite detectives.

"What the hell are you doing here Crocodile." Your voice was all venom. "Isn't this what you and Doflamingo planned for?!"

"I knew you figured it out. But Y/N I promise I never wanted anything to happen to you or your children. You were supposed to be left alone. We only wanted the land."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better? I lost one of my sons because of your greed! Get him out of here! I don't want to ever see him again."

The look on Crocodile's face was full of regret but you didn't care. All you knew was one of your babies died.

"Ms. Y/N, it wasn't an accident. A man named Vergo, crashed into you on purpose. Since you had left everything to your children in your will, they could've laid claim to the land."

Money, power and greed. Those were the things that took your son's life away.

"Please detective. I can't not right now." Another sob escaped your throat the arms that wrapped around you were strong, firm and loving. You looked and saw Zoro. You nuzzled further in.

Before Crocodile was taken away he put a key on a dresser by your bed.

"I am truly sorry Y/N. I won't be living in this town anymore. I've been granted immunity for turning in all who were involved. I've always cared for you Y/N. Maybe one day you'll be able to forgive me. Love you kiddo."

You covered your ears, and that's when Smoker pulled him out of the room.

"Y/N, you are to take time off from work. Barto said he'll hire seasonal until you come back." Pops said. "That boy deserves a raise."

Everyone started talking about everything except for the fact that you would have to bury a son that you'd never got to meet. But it was the only thing you could think of right now. Before you allowed hopelessness take over you felt something, something run across your belly. It made you gasp.

"Y/N-ya? Are you okay?" The feeling came again, without saying anything you grabbed his hand and placed it on your belly. It came again and the look on Law's face was indescribable. "He's moving..."

All of a sudden everyone had their hands on your belly.

I will never forget the son that I lost. But I will have you...I'm sorry you lost your brother but I promise you will not be lacking in love.

"I love you little."

Hey guys I know this chapter was short but the next few chapters are probably going to be like that except for the last one.

Next update will either be later today or tomorrow.

Stay safe and Healthy ❤️

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