Chapter 1.5: Pain and Coping Law's POV

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She was asleep. Of course she was, it was 2 am but she'd be getting up soon for her workday and he was just getting back from his. He went into the bathroom and brushed his teeth than put on some pajama pants for comfort than sank into the bed next to her. It'd been about six months since her business opened and it was popular.

But he couldn't bring himself to be happy for her and he didn't know why. Their lives were going great. Routine with some excitement to keep it going.

Their bedroom life was fun and never the same. And their daily work lives were great. Yet somehow she'd been planning this for a while not once thinking to discuss it with him. It made him feel left out and like he didn't matter or wasn't even figured into her life plans.

"That's not it!" She'd said. "Babe, I swear I just wanted to present it to you when I had the money saved! I didn't want to drag you down with me if it didn't end up working out. You're doing so great and you always are so tired I just didn't want to burden you with it. I'm sorry I made you feel that way! I truly wasn't trying to!"

It didn't matter though, even if she'd been trying to keep him from stressing it upset him that she didn't want to include him in such a big part of her life. And ever since that day he'd secretly hoped that her dream would fail, that she would go back to being how she used to be. Predictable.

It'd been two months since their fight and there was still tension in the house. Everyday she'd try to talk to him, but he'd see a excel sheet with money breakdowns, blue prints for the buildings or she was baking in the kitchen for recipes. She always asked him to test them but he wouldn't. His pride wouldn't let him.

But at the hospital he'd feel stupid for throwing the fit. He worked at the E.R. for the most part, with being a part time surgeon in training.

One day when he was going through the triage of charts a young woman approached him. She was dressed in scrubs, but she was wearing the colors for the nurses.

"Hi my name is Monet I just started today I was told to report to Dr. Trafalgar?" Law couldn't help but trail his eyes over her body, and he smirked.

"I'm Dr. Trafalgar." She smiled anew only it was one he knew very well, she found him attractive and wasn't afraid of hiding her pleasure to see him.

"Well my job just got a whole lot easier to wake up for then."

And that's how it all started. Innocent flirting, it helped Law feel good. They'd flirt at the counter and in the break room. He even felt close enough to her that he started to complain about Y/N. Monet was both sympathetic and compassionate.

"My ex was like that too. He'd always plan things without me, leave me out when we'd go out and he'd openly flirt with other women when we were alone. He was a real piece of work, and when I'd confront him he'd say "babe, I didn't mean to make you feel that way I just didn't want to burden you with my worries." Isn't that what relationships are about?"

"Y/N planned her whole future career without factoring me into it. Like I didn't matter. She's been trying to talk to me, and to make me feel included but I just can't. I can't support what I don't think she can do, but I also don't want to hurt her."

Monet smiled, then she put her hand on his thigh and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"You shouldn't have to, you should be able to be honest without worrying about it. She didn't care about your feelings why would you worry about hers?"

"Cause I love her."

"But does she love you the same?" Law couldn't answer cause truthfully he didn't know. "Dr. Trafalgar?" When he looked up she leaned in and kissed him.

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