Chapter 19: Relationships

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"Y/N!!! Where have you been young lady?! I have missed you!!!!" Izo full on body slammed you. You welcomed the hug with vigor. It had been  a while since you'd seen him. He'd been away at Wano for the past 2 years.

"I missed you too. I have a lot to tell you."

"Well c'mon into the kitchen, your emails have been scarce and I need to know about everything."

It was a long conversation, you'd explained your breakup, what led up to it, everything going on with your business including Pops backing you. You even told him about the deal you made with Zoro and the weird vibes you were getting from your business partner.

"Holy shit Y/'ve been busy. How do you feel with Robin and Law now dating?"

"I'm okay with it. Moving out quickly and creating distance helped. Plus he seems more relaxed with her than he ever was with me. It's good for him."

"And you're in business with a Charlotte? How did Pops take that?"

"As long as I don't mention him he's okay. But it was a mistake on my part and my customers were expecting those donuts. I'm still new had I not served them after that mishap, people would've stopped coming altogether."

"Hmm, yeah I can see that. But Y/N, you and Zoro?"

You blushed at that, and looked around to make sure said male wasn't in the room when he said that. You cleared your throat.

"Ahem well we uh. We aren't trying to actively date or avoid it either. I guess we're in the in between friends and dating phase?"

"Well, you may want to put a label on that sooner than later. Otherwise, you'll be stuck in this in-between without knowing what you actually are to him. Nor he to you."

You hated that he was so wise and perceptive. Truth is you'd wanted to ask Zoro out for a while now but just didn't know how to approach the subject. He texted you everyday, you called him every other afternoon, and once a week you two would hang out.

"You're right."

"Indeed I am. Now go find your guy, and come and tell me about it tomorrow."

You walked around searching for the greenette, but there were so many rooms in this house it was hard to find him.

"Y/N!! C'mere real quick yoi!" Marco called you into the billiards room where Mihawk, Shanks and Jozu all were playing a game. You hoped they didn't ask you to play, cause you sucked at that game.

"Hello gentlemen." You waved.

"Little Y/N, I heard about your business growing and getting more popular congrats!" Shanks hugged you tightly.

"Indeed I have been there and I have to say I'm impressed." Mihawk simply gave you a nod.

"Thanks, I couldn't have done it without Pops' help."

"Yeah don't ever scare us like that again. I don't want to get another phone call from Ace saying you fainted and didn't wake up yoi!"

You groaned and shook your head.

"That was almost two months ago, and I haven't felt that tired since. Please don't lecture me about it..."

"Hehehe okay I'm sorry yoi. I just worry about you."

"I'm a big girl now and I can take care of myself." All three men laughed when you felt a tug on your arm, it was Luffy.

"Y/N!!! C'mon Rooster is here and I want us to play Mario cart!" With a quick goodbye to the other men you left and went only to see Barto, Zoro and Sanji all racing. You didn't know who was who, but Barto was focused on the goal while Sanji and Zoro just seemed to be fighting. You laughed at the antics and came over to the green haired man and whispered in his ear.

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