Under the Weather

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Word Count: 1198

Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader

Warnings: fluff, angst, sickness, comfort

A/N: Requested from anonymous

Summary: Cold chills and an unpleasant fever is how you started your day, and you would have called off work if you could afford to. You tried your best to make it through the busy Friday night managing Lux, but your boss is having none of that.


You'd woken up, tired and disoriented, like a hangover without the fun that preceded it. Your temperature was well past acceptable and despite your burning body, you felt so cold. The blanket you had wrapped around you did little to help, and you searched for your phone under your pillows.

You'd almost called work, to tell them you wouldn't be coming in, your boss was a reasonable man, he'd understand. He also happened to be your closet friend. You suspected he wouldn't even care if you didn't call at all, but you didn't want to worry him.

There was also the matter of paying your rent, which your landlord had raised to a substantially higher rate. You've been picking up day and night shifts ever since. Which also meant if you wanted to make rent and pay your bills this month, you couldn't afford a day off.

You sighed heavily, pulling yourself out of bed, groaning at the way your entire body ached. Maybe you could find some medicine before your shift this evening.


"Y/N, we're out of bourbon!" A bartender called to you as you stacked new whiskey bottles onto the shelves.

"Alright, I'll run in the back and get some more in a minute." You replied.

Friday nights were always such a busy time at Lux, and as the night shift manager, it often required a lot of running on your part. You headed back to the storage rooms, opening the room that stored all the alcohol and extra glasses. The music from the club was quieter now, faint as you navigated the halls that lead to the supply rooms, a welcomed break for your pounding headache.

"Alright... where's the bourbon?"

You nudged the door open with your foot, eyes sweeping over the many bottles on the shelves. A yawn escaped you, as you rubbed your burning eyes. Your exhaustion was catching up to you and reading the labels was becoming taxing.


"Jacob, my usual if you would." Lucifer said as he leaned back against the bar.

Said bartender wiped down the counter as he spoke.

"I'm sorry sir, but we're out."

Lucifer frowned turning to face his employee.

"What do you mean we're out? I've just ordered a new shipment yesterday. Who's in charge tonight?"


Lucifer's frown deepened after hearing that, and he stood up straight.

"That certainly doesn't sound like her, she's always been such a diligent worker."

"She went back to the storage room half an hour ago, and I haven't seen her since." Jacob shrugged.

Lucifer thanked him, walking towards the back of Lux, curious as to what was keeping you.


He glanced around the room, until his eyes landed on you, huddle in the corner, asleep on a pile of table cloths. He raised an eyebrow, approaching you quietly before kneeling down beside you.

Lucifer Morningstar x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now