Show and Tell

12K 421 94

Word Count: 1263

Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader

Warnings: none

A/N: Inspired by Aylinsacupcake, Feel free to drop me a request and enjoy the story!

Summary: The call you had received from the school had ended your lunch abruptly but you couldn't possibly be mad at your daughter. Not while your husband was laughing so loudly behind you.


"Ok, now do you have everything Lucy? Your homework? Your picture for show and tell?"

Lucy nodded as you helped her zip her jacket up. Lucifer watched from the balcony where he was smoking a cigarette.

"Darling stop fussing, I'm sure she's got everything she needs." He called with an amused grin.

You couldn't help yourself, it was a new school and you wanted her first day there to be a good one.

"I know, I'm just worried." You sighed.

"She'll be fine my dear."

You nodded apprehensively and watched as Lucifer took his daughter's hand leading her out of the penthouse. The day went on without a hitch, and you received no calls from the school. In fact, you had all but forgotten your worries, but luck never did seem to be on your side.


"What did you bring in for show and tell Lucille?"

Lucy walked up to the front of her class, shuffling her feet a little, nervous. She held up a picture frame and looked at her teacher who gave her an encouraging smile, nodding for her to continue.

"This is my daddy, and my uncle Amenadiel, but I call him Uncle Amen."

Lucy pointed to her Father in the picture first.

"Daddy, own a night club, it's called Lux, I'm only allowed down there when it's closed though. Mommy tells me I'm not big enough for the stuff daddy drinks down there. Oh, and Daddy is the devil, he had wings but my Auntie Maze cut them off."

The whole class simply stared at her in silent shock. The teacher furrowed her eyebrows and forced a smile.

"Lucille, honey why don't you tell us about your uncle?" The teacher asked, hoping to change the subject.

"Ok, my Uncle Amen is an angel he has his wings still, but he doesn't have a halo, but he has a special necklace grandpa gave him! I'm not allowed to talk to grandpa though daddy says he's a dick."

There was a collective of 'ohs' from the other children in the class. The teacher sent the other children a scolding look when they began to laugh.

"Lucille, we don't say that word."

Lucy looked at her confused and tilted her head.

"Why? It's what daddy says grandpa is."

"I'm sure it is, but that's not a nice word, and I'm sure your dad is a very nice man, why do you call him the devil?"

Lucy frowned, and gave the teacher a blank look.

"Because he is, he's got a devil face and everything, I haven't seen it cause mommy and daddy says it's too scary, but I can do this!"

The screams that followed echoed throughout the halls.


"We come here all the time darling, why do you take so long to order?" Lucifer sighed dramatically.

Lucifer Morningstar x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now