Not From Around Here

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Word Count: 1772

Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x reader

Warnings: angst, mild language

A/N: Feel free to drop me a request, and enjoy the story! Supernatural and Lucifer crossover.

Summary: He might not have been the devil you knew but he was the devil regardless. Your brothers are less then thrilled to have even needed to ask for his help. So you getting close to him, well that was just a time bomb waiting to happen.



It was the first thing you felt when you woke up. You could practically feel the bruises forming on your ribs and you struggled to sit up. You looked around, trying to remember what had happened, or at the very least, where you were. You looked around the dark alley, seeing nothing familiar. Weren’t you just in a warehouse? Like getting a bucket of cold water thrown in your face it all rushed back to you. The witch, the hunt, the spell, your brothers. That presented you with another problem. Where was Sam and Dean?

You painfully stood, looking around in a slight panic. When your eyes landed on them, at the other end of the alley you sighed in relief. You hurried over to them, checking their pulses. They were alive.

“Come on boys, time to wake up.” You muttered inspecting the cut over Sam’s eye.

You held your breath as you waited for them to show any signs of waking. When they didn’t your panic began to grow, you were so distracted you hadn’t noticed the man approaching you from behind.

“Are you alright darling?”

Your instincts kicked in and you spun around, gun ready and expression cold. The man raised an eyebrow and stared at your gun. You took a moment to look at him. He was a handsome man with black hair, and dressed in a very expensive looking suit. He didn’t look scared or even worried, in fact he looked almost entertained?

“Is that how you greet everyone? That’s not very good manners.” He said.

You narrowed your eyes at him, and spared a quick glance at your still unconscious brothers. The man followed your graze and his smile fell slightly. He took a step forward and your attention was immediately back on him. You pulled the hammer back on your gun.

“I’m not going to hurt you, or your currently unconscious friends. Maybe I can help.” He offered.

You hesitated but realized there would be no way for you to get your brothers out of here by yourself so you agreed. He took you up to a penthouse where with the help of a few other men laid your brothers on his couch. Apparently he was a nightclub owner and you had woken in the alley directly beside his club.

“So tell me my dear, do you and your friends tend to hang out in alleyways regularly? If so that’s a dreadfully boring thing to do, I’m sure the three of you could find something more entertaining to do.”

You turned your attention of the bruise forming in Dean’s wrist to him. You raised an eyebrow, this man was a bit eccentric.

“They’re not my friends they’re my brothers, and we were not there for the fun of it. A case went bad, I don’t know how we got there.” You said.

“Case? Are you police?”

You shrugged, accepting the drink he offered you.


He looked like he wanted to say something but you decided to change the subject.

“So is this what you do in your free time? Go around helping random people you find in alleys?”

Lucifer Morningstar x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now