Broken Bones

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Word Count: 695

Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader

Warnings: fluff

A/N: Request from Ray_Abercrombie, Feel free to drop me a request and enjoy the story!

Summary: Lucifer coming over unannounced wasn't anything new, neither was him walking into your house without knocking. Only one thing is different this time, the crutches leaning against the wall.


You had been so invested in the book in your hands you almost didn't hear your front door opening. You didn't bother looking up to see who it was, there was only one person who walked into your house as if he owned it.

"There is a doorbell Lucifer."

You heard him scoff, as he closed the door behind him.

"Why would I use that when I've got a key, darling?"

You turned the page in your book. You heard his footsteps get closer to where you sat at the table, but was determined to finish the chapter.

"A key you made."

When you didn't hear a witty response you lifted your head to look at him. Lucifer's focus wasn't on you but rather on the wall next to where you sat. For a moment you were confused, but then you realized what he was staring at, your crutches.

"Oh, I broke my ankle."

To you it didn't seem like a big deal, you were fortunate to have only gotten a few bruises and a broken ankle, but the look on Lucifer's said he thought otherwise.

"Broke it? When in dad's name did you do that!"

Lucifer rushed to your side, checking you over for any other injuries. He tilted your head to the side to inspect the small cut on your lip. You swatted his hands away, leaning back slightly.

"It was a few days ago, I crashed the motorcycle, Luci I'm fine! Stop fussing." You gave him a reassuring smile.

"And you didn't think to tell me that?"

You gave a weak shrug, looking a little sheepish.

"Honestly so much was going on I forgot, but it's not a big deal Lucifer, I'll be ok."

Lucifer frowned and watched you turn in your chair, reaching for your crutches. He turned his attention to the cast on your ankle and took a step forward.


He had lifted you into his arms. You wrapped your arms around his neck, as if you thought he'd drop you.

"Where do you need to go?"

You shook your head, trying and failing to get out of his grip.

"You don't have to carry me, I can w-"

Lucifer raised an eyebrow and gave you an amused smile.

"If you're about to say you can walk then I'm almost certain those crutches you were reaching for disagree with you my dear."

"Just shut up and take me to the couch."

Lucifer chuckled but carried you to the couch nevertheless. He was careful when he sat you down. You smiled when he lifted your leg delicately and placed a pillow under your foot.

"You don't need to coddle me Lucifer."

"Of course I do, humans are so fragile, if I take my eyes off you now you'll probably break another bone."
He teased.

You smiled at him, and reached over to the coffee table, grabbing a red maker. You held it up for him to take.

"Do you want to be the first to sign my cast?"

Lucifer took the marker from your hand, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Sign it? What for?"

"It's just what people do when someone has a cast." You shrugged.

Lucifer sat down by your foot, careful not to jostle your ankle.

"Just sign my name?"

You nodded and he uncapped the marker. You watched him sign his name and noticed the smile on his face.

"You should put a little smiley face with devil horns."

The appalled look he gave you made you laugh. Lucifer sat up straight, glaring at you a little.

"I most certainly will not. I don't even have horns."

"It'll give me something to smile at for the next six weeks."

You looked at him pleadingly and Lucifer sighed, he started drawing on your cast, just under his name. The victorious look you gave him made him roll his eyes.

"You are destroying this thing as soon as it is removed." He told you sternly.

"Of course." You lied.

When he finished the little drawing you leaned forward to get a better look at it. He had even drawn a little devil's tail along with the horns. You kissed his cheek.

"Thank you Luc."

"Anything for you love."

Lucifer Morningstar x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now