A Melody For The Wicked

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Word Count: 823

Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader

Warnings: slight angst, fluff

A/N: A story from Ao3 I forgot to post here, and made for a dear friend

Summary: You weren’t much for the party scene, or at least not the large crowds of people, but with the money being offered for this job, you figured you could make an exception. Good thing your first impression was a lasting one.


It wasn’t very crowded for one of the hottest places in LA, but it was still early in the day, the nightclub wasn’t even technically open yet. The place was mostly deserted with the exception of a few employees and some customers you suspected were frequent enough to be allowed in whenever they pleased.

The music, while not as loud as it would during active hours, was still fairly loud playing through the speakers as the DJ put together a playlist for opening time. You shifted from one foot to the other, preforming in front of people would be difficult, but you needed the money. The opportunity was too good for you to pass up.

"Excuse me!"

You lightly touched the arm of a blonde woman walking by, and she paused a moment to look at you.

"I'm here about the job for an event pianist, do you know who I talk to about that?"

"I'm sorry, I don't work here..." She gave you an apologetic smile.

Your face flushed in embarrassment, and you muttered an apology.

"But, I know the owner pretty well, I'll see if I can find him for you."

Your shoulders sagged in relief, and you thanked her as she walked off. You looked around the club once you were alone again, it was a nice place, and you could only imagine how packed it got at night.

You took solace in the fact that the job you were applying for wouldn't have you seeing those large crowds. No, you'd be playing at private events the club booked for those willing to pay the steep price that came with reserving Lux.

If you could land the job that is.

Which you very much doubted you could do if there was no one around to give you the interview. You glanced around once more, eyes landing on the beautiful black piano in the center of it all. You drifted towards it, running your fingers along the keys to softly play a few notes before you sat down. Glancing around to see if anyone would stop you. Yet no one paid you any mind, and you turned your attention to playing a few chords.

The piano was well tuned and sounded wonderful in the emptiness of Lux. Your fingers drifted along the keys as you chose a simple melody to play, and you smiled at the cool feeling of the keys against your fingertips. Playing always did put your mind at ease, a welcome distraction to your growing anxiety.

"I wouldn't mind playing on this piano more often." You laughed to yourself.

You didn't notice the small audience you were beginning to acquire, but you certainly noticed the leg that brushed against yours. The song abruptly stopped as you pulled your hands back to turn to the man sitting beside you. The people that had gathered around clapped faintly, and you noticed the DJ had stopped playing the music as well. Your chest tightened with anxiety and embarrassment, as you realized who the man sitting baside you was. 

"I'm sorry Mr. Morningstar, I was just-"

His smile was charming as he interrupted your nervous rambling.

"Well I'd say that was a splendid interview, are you busy tonight?"

The crowd that had gathered around you dispersed after he spoke, and you blinked, looking at him confused.

"I'm sorry?"

Lucifer waved to the bartender before turning his attention back to you.

"Well you see, I've got a little black tie event planned tonight and I myself will be far to busy mingling to entertain." He explained.

You still weren't really understanding what he was getting at.

"And you want me to..."

He thanked the girl that brought over the two drinks and placed one into your slightly shanking hands. While he took a sip of his, you stared dumbly at yours.

"I suppose it is very last minute, and it's perfectly alright if you say no, I'll just give you more of a heads-up for the next event."

Your eyes widened as you caught on, and he smiled as he took a sip of his drink.

"I got the job?"

He lowered his drink away from his mouth, chuckling.

"That is what I'm implying, yes."

You couldn't contain your excitement and didn't think before hugging him. Lucifer raised his glass above your head to keep it from spilling.

"Not the reaction I was expecting, not that I'm complaining of course."

He laughed as you suddenly pulled away.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry, that was incredibly unprofessional!"

He waved off your apology with his free hand.

"No need to bring him into this, it's quite alright my dear." Lucifer smiled at you gently to ease your nervous mind.

He held his glass towards you, and you raised your own.

"Now then, a toast to a very promising future between us." He winked.

You smiled as you tapped your glass against his.

"To new opportunities."

Lucifer Morningstar x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now