If I Asked You To Stay

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Word Count: 1375

Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar  x Reader

Warnings: angst, slight mentions of sex

A/N: Request from anonymous, Feel free to drop me a request, and enjoy the story!

Summary: Your realtionship with Lucifer was never very clear. You were lovers, you were friends, but beyond that there wasn't much else. The undefined realtionship between the two of you had always worked.  So why is he acting so strange now? And why are you hoping for a little more clarity?


You woke up, flinching slightly against the sunlight creeping through the blinds. You stared at the ceiling for a moment before sitting up. You held the black silk sheets around you as you glanced at the person laying in bed next to you. Slipping out of bed, you began to gather your clothes, which were scattered around the room.

"Off to work already love? Weren't you going to stay a bit longer?"

You slipped your shirt over your head and turned to look at him.

"Some of us need the money Lucifer, but I'll make it up to you later." You winked.

Lucifer grinned as he sat up.

"I'll be looking forward to it my dear."

You hurried out of the penthouse, snatching your phone from the bar as you did. You didn't fail to notice how everyone was rushing around when you finally arrived at the precinct.


She paused mid step, smiling when she saw you standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh Y/N, you're here! Just in time to meet the new lieutenant!"

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, and Ella laughed.

"Come on, he's in his office now, you already missed his speech."

You let her pull you along, waving to Chloe as you passed. When she finally dragged you into the lieutenants' office, you saw there was in fact a new lieutenant and a handsome one at that.

"Ms. Lopez, can I help you?"

"Lieutenant Pierce, hi again, sorry to barge in like this but this is-"

You stepped forward holding your hand out for him to shake.

"Y/N L/N, I work homicide."

Ella tried and failed to hide her smile when you and Pierce began talking. She slipped out of the office and started making her way to her lab.

"Ah, Ms. Lopez a moment please!"

Ella raised an eyebrow as Lucifer stopped her by Chloe's desk.

"Hey Lucifer! Did you meet the new lieutenant yet?"

"No, I haven't had the pleasure yet, but it seems Y/N is warming up to him rather quickly."

Lucifer watched you laugh as Pierce said something, standing a little to close to you. He frowned, for some reason, it bothered him to seen that man so close to you. Lucifer nearly growled when he saw you place a hand on Pierce's arm.


For weeks Lucifer watched you get closer and closer to Pierce. Laughing with him, spending more time with Pierce and less time him. It bothered him and made him angry, and he couldn't fathom why. Lucifer failed to notice the looks you were giving not Pierce but him. The way you watched Lucifer with a smile, or how intently you listened to anything he had to tell you. He was to busy watching Pierce to notice that, you were watching him.

Lucifer Morningstar x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now