
13.1K 451 98

Word Count: 1686

Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader

Warnings: angst, mentions of death,

A/N: I haven't tormented you guys with angst in a while so here you go, Request from -antisocialism , Feel free to drop me a request and enjoy the story!

Summary: Cursed by God, loved by the Devil, and destined to die.


Lucifer stopped walking, looking around for a moment until he saw you on the other side of the street. You waited patiently for the light to change before jogging across the street.

"I'm beginning to think you may be stalking me darling." He teased.

"Of course I am, someone has to keep an eye on you." You joked.

Lucifer smiled until he saw the hospital bracelet on your wrist. You noticed his smile fall and followed his gaze.

"Just a doctor's appointment." You assured him.

Your smile didn't falter and he nodded slowly.

"Did you just finish that case with Chloe?"

He knew you were trying to change the subject but chose to ignore that.

"Yes, the butler did it, rather mundane and cliche if you ask me. I believe your sister figured it out before me though." Lucifer waved a hand dismissively.

Chloe was your older sister, by only a few years, but was still viciously protective of you. You had always been...less than healthy, for a lack of better wording, and as such Chloe tended to be a little overbearing at times. You loved her regardless and it never bothered you much. You and Lucifer walked side by side, you weren't really sure where you going, just following him.

"Isn't it always the butler? I'm sure you've seen a lot of things during your centuries roaming earth." You laughed.

When Lucifer first told you he was the devil, it wasn't like he was keeping it a secret, your reaction hadn't been exactly what he expected. You didn't laugh and roll your eyes, you didn't call him crazy or brush him off. You simply said 'ok' and left it at that. You didn't disagree and you didn't try to disprove it, you merely accepted it as truth. After that Lucifer had grown very close to you and you to him.

"How did the appointment go then my dear? Good news?"

Lucifer watched your reaction carefully, noting the subtle way your shoulders sagged a little. If he blinked he would have missed it, you were back to smiling within a few seconds.

"Yeah, like I said just a routine check up is all." You shrugged.

"Trying to lie to the devil? You even thought it might work, honesty darling, the audacity!" Lucifer feigned shock and you rolled your eyes playfully shoving him.

Your phone chimed, and you glanced down at it. Your fingers tapped at the screen for a few moments before you looked back up at Lucifer.

"Chloe just invited me over for dinner, but I'll see you tomorrow Luc." You said.

He was about to reply when you suddenly tugged on his shirt. He stood there in stunned silence when you gave him a quick peck on the lips and started walking away. Lucifer was still processing what just happened when he heard your voice again.

"I got tired of waiting for you to do it you idiot!" You called over your shoulder.



Lucifer Morningstar x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now