Playing The Notes

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Word Count: 663

Pairings: platonic Lucifer Morningstar x teen Reader

Warnings: angst, possible trigger, mentions of blood and death,

A/N: Request from anonymous on tumblr, enjoy! Song is ‘Murder Song by Aurora’

Summary: You’ve seen things not meant for your eyes, heard words not meant for your ears. While they investigate you play to cope, until that strange man finds you hidden away.


You could hear the voices talking out in the hall as your fingers skimmed across the keys of the piano. They were there for your teacher, whose body lay cold and stiff in a puddle of blood in the hallway. You played a few notes on the piano unaware that someone was listening.

“Detective, do you hear that?” Lucifer asked, hearing the faint sounds of music.

“No, what is it?” Chloe looked at him.

“Music, can’t you hear it?”

Chloe listened for a moment before shaking her head.

“I don’t hear anything.”

She went back to questioning the staff, and Lucifer sighed, but then he heard it again.

“I’m certain someone is playing piano here.” Lucifer muttered.

He slipped away following the sound of the music. You didn’t notice him enter the room nor did you notice him watching you curiously as you began to play a melody that sounded oddly familiar to him.

“You’re rather good at that child.”

Your hands froze, and you glanced at him but never meant his eyes. You looked back down at where your hands rested on the keys. He raised an eyebrow when you said nothing back.

“Not much of a talker then? I thought teenagers were a rather talkative bunch.”

You heard him walking closer but keep your gaze focused down.

“That song sounded very familiar. What was it you were playing child?”

You dropped your hands into your lap and watched him walk around the music room. He walked over to the door peering out the window in it.

“This is a wonderful view of the crime scene! You could have seen the murder if you were….”

Lucifer turned to look at you as if he had just solved a puzzle.

“You saw something didn’t you? Perhaps the grizzly murder of that teacher out there? Or maybe you saw the killer’s face?”

Lucifer took note of the way your body tensed, and he walked to stand beside the piano bench. He smiled, seemingly enjoying the one sided conversation.

“I see, so you did! A witness who can’t speak how intriguing.”

You tried not to panic when at the thought of the room being filled with people, questioning you and getting close. Lucifer stared at you a moment longer and tilted his head.

“It’s not that you can’t speak though, is it? It’s that you won’t.

You looked up at him briefly and then your fingers began to glide across the keys as you started playing that melody again. He sat down beside you, and didn’t fail to notice how you subtly slid away, glancing at him in a slight panic.

“That song is about murder yes? In that song the man shot the girl in the head. Is that what happened to your teacher?”

You paused, nodding slowly as you grabbed a pencil in paper. You grabbed your sheet music turning it over as you began to scribble on it. You had the song memorized anyway you didn’t need it anymore.

“Mr. Morningstar!”

Both of you turned to look at the principle. She stood there glaring at him. You focused back on your paper, only half listening to their conversation.

“Please leave my student alone. Y/N doesn’t respond well to strangers, and she’s of no help to your case!”

You appreciated her trying to help but you wished she wouldn’t shout. You started tapping your fingers rhythmically against your leg, and Lucifer watched you for a moment. Realisation seem to dawn on him, and he moved away from you slightly.

“I apologize, Y/N was it? I fear I may have made you uncomfortable.”

Lucifer stood up but felt a tug on his sleeve. You handed him the piece of paper, and he stared at the name and detailed description of the murderer you had written down. He smiled taking it from your hand.

“Thank you my dear, it was a pleasure to meet you.”

You smiled a little as he left the room.

Lucifer Morningstar x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now