A Cure To Boredom

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Word Count: 1128

Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader

Warnings: none just fluff

A/N: Request from someone on tumblr, Requests are open, Enjoy! Part 2 of the ‘All The Way To Hell’ series.

Summary: Earth was nothing like Hell, so many things to do and you tried your best to blend in. You wanted to see everything the city had to offer and Lucifer was beginning to realize keeping up with you might be harder than he thought.



You stood beside the bed, waiting for him to wake up. You had wandered around Lux all night, growing bored once everyone had left. You then spent the rest of the night impatiently waiting for the sun to come up. Once it had the first thing you did was go to the penthouse. You had attempted to wake Lucifer several times, each time proving to be useless.

'Why is he such a heavy sleepier?’

You put your hands on your hips, frowning at his sleeping form. You leaned back down, close to his face.

“Lucifer!” You shouted.

He jerked awake, eyes wide as he stared at you with an irritated expression.

“Bloody hell! Are you part banshee?”

You smiled at him innocently and he sat up.

“Why in dad’s name are you awake?”

You tilted your head, frowning at his question.

“Was I suppose to sleep?”

Lucifer looked at you incredulously and ran a hand through his already messy hair. Apparently you were, but you didn’t understand why.

“Demons don’t need to sleep.” You said confused.

“Yes, but you are on earth now darling, and sleep is a luxury you really should take part in.”


Lucifer almost laid back down, fully intending to fall back asleep for a few more hours. However, when he saw you looking at him expectantly he realized that was no longer an option.

“It is six in the morning love.”

You nodded and continued to stare at him. Lucifer sighed as he stood up.

“Alright, give me a moment to get ready.”

You smiled widely as you watched him disappear into his closet. Your ability to wait grew smaller and smaller by the second. You had taken to counting how many bottles Lucifer had stocked up on his shelves. When he finally walked out, dressed in his an expensive looking suit as usual, you couldn’t have been more relieved.

“Well then, where would you like to go first my dear?”

You didn’t have to think long about that.

“I want nachos.”

Lucifer chuckled at how serious you sounded when you said that.

“Really? I’m sure I could get us a reservation at a restaurant that serves more edible food. At the very least food that won’t put you into cardiac arrest.”

You shook your head as you followed Lucifer into the elevator.

“I heard that Ella girl and that therapist you see, talking about a bar that sells these thing called nachos and how good they are covered in cheese, and I want to try them.”

Lucifer Morningstar x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now