Before The Bruises Fade

14.9K 427 19

Word Count: 1593

Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader

Warnings: angst, possible trigger, mentions of abuse, mentions of blood

A/N: Request from RonnieDarkness ,requests are open again! Enjoy!

Summary: No one had ever looked twice at you walking down the street with a busted lip or bruises covering your arms. They all looked the other way, that is until you're stopped by a man who's a little to curious for your comfort.


You kept your head down as you walked slowly. It was late and you were trying to get home as fast as you could. You were so focused on the task at hand you hadn't noticed the man walking towards you. You ran into him, the contents of your bag spilling out onto the side walk.


You fell to your knees, scrabbling to pick up the items.

"Oh dear, I'm terribly sorry about that, would you like some help?"

He bent down in an attempt to grab a bottle that had rolled away, but you snatched it from him.

"No, I got it." You said quickly.

Lucifer watched you curiously, but his curiosity faded to concern when saw the blood that had begun to soak through your bandage. You ignored the stinging pain in your arm, trying to shove everything back into the bag as fast as you could. Your father was going to be so angry.

"Are you alright darling? You're bleeding."

You glanced at him for a second before standing. The pity he had in his eyes made you panic, if he found out the truth it wouldn't end well for you.

"I'm fine, I ran into a door, busted my lip was all." You lied.

You had become something of an expert in lying, doing it with such ease no one questioned you. This man, however seemed to be the exception to that. He didn't look like he believed you for even a second.

"Oh I'm sure you did, but I was referring to your arm my dear."

You looked down, turning your arm a little to get a better look at it. Blood was seeping through the poorly bandaged cut on your arm.

"Bar fight."

He stared at you, raising an eyebrow, clearly not buying your lies, and you turned to walk away. He walked after you and you tried your hardest to ignore him. He asked you questions that were a little to invasive, and a little to focused on your injuries.

"Do you always follow strangers home Mr...."

"Morningstar, Lucifer Morningstar, and who might you be?"

"Y/N, and you're not answering my question."

He merely smiled, and you grew more nervous the closer to home you got.

"You seem rather nervous my dear, jealous husband waiting for you at home?"

He was asking to many questions, probably forming to many theories in his mind.

"I'm not married, my father is waiting for me."

"Oh? Moved back in with the parents, did you fall on hard times?"

'I never left, he would have killed me if I did.' You thought bitterly.

You were trying to formulate a lie or any believable excuse to give him. You finally settled on an answer you felt wouldn't arouse much if any  suspicion.

Lucifer Morningstar x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now