Little Things

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Word Count: 1235

Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader

Warnings: none just fluff, to be honest I made a new years resolution to do more fluff but I'm like 99.9% sure I'm going to break that😂

A/N: Requested from anonymous

Summary: You hadn't noticed them at first, they were to subtle. But one day you'd begun to notice it, they became obvious and you found yourself noticing everything little thing you hadn't before.


It wasn't something you had noticed, not really. You weren't sure how you'd missed it, because looking back now, you realized he'd done it every day. At least since the two of had been together.

He'd wake up before you every morning, turn off your alarm and go about getting ready. Once he was ready, he'd wake you gently, calmly, much better than being jerked awake by your loud alarm. He'd make some joke about you wasting the day away by sleeping, and then he'd leave you to get ready.

"Don't be to long darling, we've got a busy day, so much to do and such little time." Lucifer called over his shoulder as he walked out of the room.

You sat up, watching him go, before smiling to yourself and swinging your legs over the side of the bed. It didn't take you long to get ready and you were joining him in no time.

"Where are we going first?" You asked.

Lucifer placed his hands on your shoulders, pulling you backwards and away from the elevator.


You stumbled a little, turning to look at him confused.

"But you said-"

Lucifer continued, cutting you off.

"Nowhere, until you eat breakfast."

You nodded snagging an apple from the bowl on top of his piano.

"Okay, let's go!"

Lucifer laughed shaking his head a little.

"I meant something a little more sustainable, but I suppose as long as you're eating."

You gave him a cheeky smile and took a bite out the apple. He followed after you as you strolled into the elevator. You went to take a bite from the apple as you watched the numbers descend on the elevator, but paused.

Just like this morning, you'd realized yet another thing you hadn't even noticed before. Lucifer would always make sure you at least ate breakfast, no matter how busy the two of you were. He would stop everything and assure that you ate, even a little.


You blinked, lowering the apple from your mouth.

"I'm sorry, did you say something?"

"You've got your head in the clouds today don't you my dear? Thinking of anything interesting?"

"Nothing, just tired still."

Lucifer hummed, nodding little and lead you from the elevator with a gentle hand on your arm.


He wasn't lying when he said it would be a busy day. You'd been out for hours, with almost no breaks. You'd finally been able to rest your feet once you'd arrived at the precinct. You sunk into a chair, hair falling into face as you let out a sigh.

"I'll be just a moment darling, just need to have a quick chat with the Detective."

You waved him off, smiling when Ella poked her head out of her lab with giddy expression on her face.

Lucifer Morningstar x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now