Untitled Part 27 JASPERS POV !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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  Authors note.............. Please read !!!!!!!!!!!!!1 ITS IMPORTANT

So in these next few last chapters I am going to be putting in alot of the flahs backs. The flash backs of the times that she was with Jasper but werent put in earlier. So I just want to let you know. Also guys I could really use your guys opinion. So please COMMENT. It would be great. 


I cant believe it worked. I thought to myself as I sat up on a tall cliff side overlooking the sea. It was drizzling as I tipped back the tall slender bottle wrapped in a brown paper bag. I looked over the crashing waves. The sound resounding over and over into my ears as the water slammed against the rocky cliff side.  In that note on the bottom of the box it was from Blake. Or supposedly it was. He supposedly said that she needed to come see him because Sophie really needed him. He supposedly said to not mention the note and just ask her. I knew she would lead me right to her. I just had to  get to the person I know helped her escape. Just the mention of his name made my blood boil. I hated the thought that other men could lay their eyes on her and lust after her like I had done so many times. 

If I could one thing diffrently I wouldnt have touched her like that. I am so angry at myself that I let my emotions and my wants over power my entire mind.  Then when I saw her in the insane asslyum. Even though I smirked at her. Inside I was breaking. To think I had driven her that far. That I drove her to insanity. Then I heard she killed her brother Ryan. Damnn. She had gone over the edge. 

I decided that when she got out I would only ever visit her at night. I couldnt keep myself away,but, I decided that I would become her night monster. So I did.  I dont know why I picked it but I did. I knew I could control her at night to the best extent. In the day people are watching. I cant control her. 

" So you havent done it yet. I am impressed." I turned my head just to glance at the figure before turning back to look out on the endless water.

" What do you care. You could have helped her. You should have to." It was Mr. Grey.

" I cant control you." His voice was loud so it could reach me over the crashing waves.

" THen you should have left me where you found me. Maybe then I wouldnt have hurt so many people." Mr. Grey sat down by me taking the bottle and swigging it back.

" You were special. We needed you." He put his hand on my shoulder and looked at my face.

" I was in the insane aslyumm for a reason Tom. I was dangerous. Then that shit you made me do on that trip. You are one messed up bastard."

" They were going to hand over all our research. They were suffering. We were there for almost two years by then." I glared at him as I gulped down the rest of the liquid in the bottle. I didnt even taste it as it slid down my throat. When I was done I just let it slip from my hands to the raging waters. All I heard was well nothing. Just like I felt nothing right now.

" They were like my brothers. You took the monster in me so I could do something you were to cowardly to do. To scared. Something that was wrong. Then you have me tie that hole family up. After my brother pratically got the pregneat and fell in love. In two weeks yes. But what Steven and lillian had was real. I burned it down. Now he is a fucking mess."   I looked up to the stars. THe sun had gone below the horizon. The sky was crowded with dark clouds. THe drizzling continued. Soaking my black v shirt and my jeans.

" I loved them to ,but, I mean come on. We couldnt bring back a pregneat women your brother made."

" We could have made something up. Lord knows you are great at that." I spit the venemous words in his face. Angry that he was trying to defend himself.

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