Chapter 15

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 Have you ever had one of those moments  in life where you just feel like closing your eyes and waking up a new person. Like you could try to decide to be the person yu always wanted to be. Me I always wanted to be strong,brave,straight forward. But no thats not how it works. You still wake up the same person when you closed your eyes. Everything is the same.

  " Oh Lord please help us." I whispered to myslef as I hid me and blake under the stairs. 

" Sophie seriously this is not a joke. I am serious."

" I know its not a fucking joke blake but look just stay here and dont make a peep."

" No I must go. I am the man here."

" If you want me to live then I will go. Anyway your dead if you dont do what I say." I mean really. How do you think jasper is going to react if he sees another guy come from the basement. He would freak. I think you know jasper well enough to know what he would do.

" Wait what. Hold on." blake still doesnt understand. Blake reaches out and grasps my wrist and I can see the plead on his face. I can also see the bit of fear in his eyes as he listens to jasper stomping around upstairs.

"  Goodbye blake. I will see you soon." I wanted to say bye just incase jasper lost it and well did the..... I dont even want to think about it.

I make my way upstairs. I can feel my heart racing in side my fragile chest. My hands feel sweaty as they run along the sides of the wall so I can find my way up the dark stair case. I feel like I am in one of those horror movies. When the girl is walking in the dark crefully just after a frightful expirence. She knows he is somewhere she just doesnt know where. Then all of a sudden he jumps out and well umm kills her.   I gulp back the lump forming in my dry throat.  I step onto a step and it creeks. I stop because I know it was loud enough for jaspers keen hearing to hear. All footsteps stop. Its silent. I can almost hear the air in the house moving. I can hear my own heart beat for Smoking sakes.

" Ahh my sophie. COme here baby dont be scared. I wont hurt you I promise." As he says this I can just imagnine the smirk of a lie on his face. Those icy blue eyes raging with a fiery presence.

" I am right here." I announce myself as I step out of the dark abyss and into the light. He turns to me and I was right their was that evil smirk.

" Come" He takes his hand and waves it toward himself from me to him then again three times over. Like he is summoning me. I cautiously walk towards him. I am the prey walking straight into the preadators trap. The prey knows it but for some reason he is drawing her. Jasper is drawing me to him. All I want is to be by him. Feel him. Even though I know he  will proably hurt me I do it anyway. I can feel the eletric pull taking me towards him. 

I am right infront of him. Our breaths our breath is mixing as we ook in each others eyes.My green ones looking into his icy blue ones. I feel lost in them. 

He strokes my hair before fisting a handful of it and takink a deep wheezy smell of it." Oh sophie wha did I tell you."

" I... I dont please dont hurt m....e " I stumble over my words as a few single tears slip down my flaming red cheek.

" Oh how I will hurt you sophie. But now tell me where he is !" He yells the entire sentence. I know blake heard.

" I dont know what you are talking about." I mean I know the car is right out front but I cant help and act dumb.

" Oh is he downstairs." He lets go of my hair and walks toward the hall. I panic. Before I know it jasper is pulling blake up the stairs by his throat. He pushes him backwards onto the wood floor. Blake is sputtering and coughing and wheezing.

" Fuck  sophie." Blake says through a rasoy voice.

" Im sorry. I told you to leave me alone."

" Ya you should have left her alone. Now well what am I gonna do with you." Jasper walks around balke in a circle like the predeator he is. Blake just sits their .  " I could kill you. I mean thst would be the most ideal since you had the idea to fuck her." Jasper says it like he is talking about the weather but then again his eyes tell a diffrent story.

" Jasper he wont say a thing. Please just leave him alone. I will stay with you. I will be yours for forever. Please."  Now my tears are coming out in a steady flow as I get to my knees and beg jasper. He just looks down at me with lustful eyes.

" Blake if you ever talk to her again or mention anything. I will kill her. If you dont she will be safe. So her life is in your hands." He keeps his eyes on me the entire time as he spills his threats out to blake about my life. I can feel the violent tremble piercing through my body until my hands are out of my control. 

Blake looks at me and shakes his head.

" Fuck you." Then he pulls out a medal crow bar and takes a swing at jasper. It hits him in in the leg taking him off guard and knocking him down. Jasper quickly gets back up and takes the crow bar in his hand right before blake takes it for another swing. Jasper twists it out of his hand. I hear a crack in blakes wrist right before he winces. He still trys to fight but jasper gets him in a headlock.

" I am about to cancel my offer and just break your neck you little shit.' Jasper looks over to my curled up body in the corner of the room. 

" Blake please just do it. Please."

" Sophie I ant let him do this to you."

" Yes you an and you will. Please."

" Ok. But i will find a way out for you."


jasper throws blake out of the house and gives him the death glare piercing him with those icy orbs. He slams the door and slowly and calmly walks over to me. He bends down infront of me and puls me to my knees before he stands back up staying placed infront of me. I keep my eyes locked on the floor to scared to face whats above me. Jasper grasps my chin gently pulling it up forcing me to look at him. I am gasping and my heart is racing. I close my eyes trying to find another escape.

" Look at me Soph." His voices comes out a little raspy. Still seductive. I do as he asks. He traces my lips with his fingers. He bends to my level  and presses his lips to mine. It feels not natural since well I am crying and trying to seperate us. he squeezes my chin tighter. He finallyy seperates. 

" Why cant you just be all evil." He scrunches his eyebrows together confused.

" I am all evil sophie.'

" No you are not. Most of the time I can love you. Evn now I still do but what you do. Then most of the times you are sweet. Then you disappear. Why cant you just be evil." Jaspers  face contorts into maddness.

" Fine you want me to be all evil then you got it. You will just fucking wish  you never saw it.' That sinster smile appears on his face.  It makes me shudder under his seductive touch as his hand lightly brushes along my neck. I feel like a cow in the slaugher house right now.

"  I got you something." He walked over to the table where he picked up a red box with a big royal lettering on top in black. He opened the box and pulled out a red dress.  It was gorgeous. The top was swirled to the right gathering in the had a tight red slip under and a flowly slinky lacy top skirt. The spaghetti straps just made it. It was beautiful. then he pulled out the black heels. 

" You can wear this out tonight." 

" Where are we going."

" We are going where nobody can see us. Put on the other stuff under. Jasper layed the outfit back in the box and walked out of the room.

Where no one can see us. Either he is gong to kill me or he is going to take me. Please lord Jesus have mercy. Just no such luck luck though. I was damnned.

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