Chapter 7

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" Jasper come on. You know how stubborn I am. Please I am sorry.

Baby, sweet cakes, still nothing" I yelled desperately. I have been handcuffed to my bed for about I would say 10 hours. He is going a little extreme.

Then I heard things out my window. I shuffled across my bed/and reached as far as I could to crack open my shades.

To my surprise I saw Mr. Gray.

" What's he doing here." I was confused. Then he disappeared. I shrug it off not really caring because I knew that Steven was probably close to him since they worked side by side in the marines.

" Steven where's your bathroom." Came Mr. Grays hard voice. It sounded like he was speaking into a fuzzy microphone.

Steven cleared his throat as if to tell him he should clear his.

" Down the hall to the right first door."

Then I heard a loud shuffling. Before I knew it Jasper was sneaking into my room.

" You asshole! You better get me off of this bed right now."

He turned to look at me. He looked so sexy. He had some grey sweatpants on that went a little low showing the 'v' outline. Then

I gulped and closed my eyes thinking I was dream. When I reopened his bare chest was still on sight.

" Fuck where is your shirt."

He glared at me but that smirk was playing on his face. His glare told me to be quiet but the smirk told me he was in a playful mood.

" Oh come on you know you like. Want to touch it. Its real I swear."

Dammn he was arrogant.

" I've seen better." I said as I sat up straighter and held my head higher. Hoping to look convincing." God knows ive seen enough of those pigs in my bed." I whispered low enough I thought he didn't hear. Except he did because he let out a growl. His eyes turning dark with anger. I shuddered at his appearance. All playfulness was gone.

" Don't talk like that. Because you want to know why."

His voice sounded dangerous. And like he really didn't care if I answered back because he would finish either way. I tried to back away but rembered I was locked to the bed. Fear seemed to strike me.

" w-wh-y". I managed to say out in a low whisper.

He looked at me dead in the eyes. Those ice blue eyes that seemed to be brimming with black. He came to my side and whispered in my ear seductively but venomously.

" Because when I fuck you, you are gonna forget you ever slept with someone else. You will be mine. My precious Sophie. Like I told you I isn't your lover, or friend. I am your enemy"

I was shaking with fear breathing had become impossible. Somehow though deep down inside I knew my feelings haven't changed. I pulled myself together enough to ask one more question.

" Why won't you ever care about me."

He looked shocked by my sudden question. He looked into his hands and the guilt that flashed through him just made me hurt. He looked like he was in pain.

' Was that a tear I saw? Theirs another one.'

" Jasper you don't half to try and stay strong. Its OK to be weak sometimes.

Then to my sudden surprise he broke down crying. He/set his head in his hands and just cried rocking back and forth on his feet.

I moved over to him dug around and found the key. I unlocked myself and he just fell into my arms at my first touch.

" Jaspers its okay just cry i won't let you go."

I told him meaning every word so sincere it went beyond the love of the heart. It went so !much deeper. I don't know if I can explain it.

" Sophie I can't be with you. You can't be mime. I don't deserve you. I can't have you." Tears started to fall as I pressed his head into my chest slash neck where he cried.

" What did you do that is haunting you jasper." My curiosity getting the better of me.

He stopped and retracted himself. All the tears were gone. He cleared up his brokenness and put on the facade. With deadly eyes he answered me.

" Do you really want to know Sophie." A sinster smirk and sinster being took over him. He was clam but it was a dangerous calm.

I was shaking again.

' Did I want to know?'

' Was it that bad.'

' What turned jasper into a monster.'

Every question was going through me. All I could do was let myself get lost in those deadly blue orbs. Seconds later my door is being opened to show my wonderful brother and my lovely principle.

' Just perfect.' I thought. Steven wore a blank face, jasper was now leaving the room, and Mr. Gray was looking at me with raised eye brows and a ' What did you start.' Look. His dark brown eyes never leaving mine.

I got up and walked over to the two men standing in my doorframe.

" We need to talk." I said authoritivly.

They both just nodded. So I continued.

" Why is jasper being all freaky. Why does it sound like I am going to be livimg with him."

Steven said nothing and grays face seemed to say ' Oh my God she can't go live with that monster he will kill her." That was enough to put me on edge.

Steven cleared his throat. I gulped preaparimg myself for the worst as it was seeming.

" Because you are." His answer was so low it was sad. He made it say numerous things in the tone of his voice that it was like I could feel my heart break. It was like he was saying

' You remind me of this'

' I don't love you that way anymore'

'I am a monster who needs to leave the innocent at peace.'

' I am just to much baggage'

And the last one hurt me the most. The one that made me fall ton pieces. The one that made me die a little inside.

' Because he will be taking care of you from now on since I won't be around.'

I could see he was saying it with his eyes. It was like I was seeing into his soul when he said that simple answer.

He still had his face directed to the ground.

" Steven you can't leave me."

He looked up shocked knowing that I ment he would be dead.

The last words he said before he walked away were ones I wish I never had to see. These two words would bring caustrophic events that would scar me and haunt me every waking moment.

He was meaning no matter what he would do it. The last words were

" I am so sorry." He practically mouthed to me. He was going to kill himself and leave me with a sinster monster.

After a few minutes I realized Mr.gray was still there.

" What happened. "

He just signed and signaled for me to take a seat.

So I did and all I can say is I wish I would have never asked because what was prepared for me was just so horrible I wanted to say it was all a nightmare. One thing I still hated though I could honestly say I was still falling in love with jasper Keith.

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