Untitled Part 22

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I gulped down the lump that was in my throat. I could feel bile rise in my throat as I rembered the reason I had deep cut marks in my wrists and a bruise that started to cut in around my neck. Also the matching ankles to my wrists. Or why pheraps my entire body was black and blue from hours of beating. Even if I was passed out from the pain. Or how I felt sick with myself because I was still in love with the enemy.

I realized that I still wasn't crying. Maybe I just didn't have any left in me. I don't know but I was happy it was making me look like I was strong.

" What's the fith floor." I said my voice so shaky I am surprised it sounded like words instead of just a shiver.

" Its where you tell us everything. Or we are just gonna force you into it somehow." There was noting kind about him. I realized that now.

" Please can I call my brother. " I was now crying. I could no longer hold in my pain.

" I want to see my brother. " I yelled. Thrashing my feet and yanking my sore wrists around. I started to struggle trying to set myself free from this hopeless cage.

" Nurses, nurses please come our patient is out of control." He yelled from the door he had run to after the beginning of my outburst.

Quickly five nurses two women three men rushed in all wearing blue suits. Four of them held me down and the other readied something. I saw a little white tube and a squirt of white liquid leap from out of it it. Then the shiny silver tip distinguished itself in the flickering lights above.

" Please not a shot. I am fine. You don't understand. Please don't take me back. I don't want this anymore." I continued to yell as I thrashed about. Soon enough though I felt the fluid rush into my neck and it forced me into a fog of restless sleep.

When I finally feel myself coming out of the hazy dreams I come out gasping for breath. My eyes feel shocked by the sudden intake of light. I felt wet and sticky all over. I wiped my face and it was thick with sweat. I now could feel the drops of swet dripping from my neck down my shirt and soaking my braw just a little.

 All I rember from the dream is hididng under his covers. He pulled them off and then I woke up.

" Hey its okay. those bastards of mean nurses are gone. I thought you were never going to wake up." I look over at a girl sitting next to me and stretchy pants and a overly big sweatshirt with the words pink written in black.

 " Who are you." I asked her scrunching my eyebrows together still feeling a little short of breath

" I am your roomate on the fith floor. My name is Jacklyn but just call me jacky."

I took notice to her Violently mess of red hair and her blue eyes that seemed so kind and sweet but had just an icy feeling to them." Something about her seemed so familiar. Like that person whose name can not be spoken here.

" I am sophie. Nice to meet you." She smiled a toothy grin displaying pearly white teeth.

" So why are you in here. It mut be really crazy to get you ended up on the fith floor." Her smile turned into a smirk. Like she was very proud that she ended up on the fith floor.

" I wont tell them why I decided to have myself brought here but I guess that doesnt sit well with them when it looks like somebody lit me on fire with bruises." I let a very small grin onto my face. She made a diffrent kind of feeling come up into me. Se made me feel like we were gonna be good friends and I could trust her. Well not trust her but you know we could talk. Like I mean not talk about my stuff but I think you get it.

 " So you never answered my question." She rose her eyebrows at me.

" Like I said never gonna say. Sorry."

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