Chapter 1

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Nine years had passed since that fateful day, and just as Y/be was told, she would never use her abilities. But every now and then, she would pass a fallen leaf and play around with it a little. Just to test out what made her abilities "cursed". She looked around for any passing by villagers, making sure no one would around before picking up the leaf, hiding it and returning home. She was allowed to leave her home under necessary conditions. Such as gathering food and firewood for when her father was not there to do so, which was rare. Her father had struggled juggling his village duties and keeping a sharp on his daughter, as both were his responsibility. But he would continue to do so, if it meant his daughter would be safe. Once home, she hurried to her room. She looked down and unfolded her hands, to reveal the leaf. It had begun to shrivel and turn brown. "Hm. What if I just..." She focused on the leaf in her palm. Soon the leaf turned green once again. Y/n smiled brightly, she had made the leaf bloom back to it's natural form. "Y/n, I'm home." Haku's, her father, voice made her jump. She quickly hid the leaf in her dress before leaving her room to greet her father. "Welcome home, papa." She gives him a warm smile. "How was hunting?" She asks. Her father sighs and cracks his neck slightly. "Not good at all. We nearly had that boar in our grasps, but it put up quite the fight."

"Would you like me to run a bath for you papa?" Y/n asks. "That would nice, thank you." Haku placed his spear near the door. Y/n left the house, heading towards the back where the bath was. It was surrounded by a few walls to block the view of any passerby villagers. Y/n finished setting up the bath and made her way back inside. "The bath is ready papa." She told her father. "Thank you Y/n." Her father gave him a soft smile. "Now then, I'll-" Haku was interrupted by a sudden scream. He and Y/n ran out of there home, to see a huge wild boar attacking the village. "It's the boar we were hunting!" Haku exclaims. At a further examination, it was clear the creature had multiple stab wounds on its back and sides. It must have been so angered from the previous attack, that sought revenge. Haku hurried back inside and grabbed his spear. "Stay back, Y/n!" He tells her before hurrying to the fellow hunters aid. The boar would not go down easily, it bucked and broke all the spears that dared to pierce its skin again. The boar then charged passed the hunters, in its path, was a child who was separated from their mother in the panic. At the pace the boar was going, the hunters would not make it in time to save the child.

Y/n felt a sudden surge of energy flow through her. She dashed towards the child and held them close to her, shielding the child with her own body. "Y/n!!!" Her father called out. Before she could process what happened, the leaf shot out into multiple sharp blades and stabbed and sliced at the boar. With one last furious growl, the boar fell to the ground with a loud thud. Y/n slowly looked up, and to her horror, she was met with the dead boar. Blood seeped from it's still opened mouth and nose. Vines were still contracted around the boar.

"Monster!" Someone of the village shouted.

"That woman is cursed!" Said another.

"She ate from the devil's fruit!"

"She must be banished! Before she attacks one of us next!"

The mother of the child grabbed them from you and backed away, as if you would attack them both at any moment. "N-no...I-" Through the crowd, came the elder, who's voice toppled overall. "Silence!" He demanded. The elder glared down at the girl, as if she were some creature that crawled out of the depths of Hell. Haku came running to his daughter side. "Elder Keao, please have mercy! My daughter did not intend to use her ability!" Keao ignored his words. "Haku, I can not allow this woman to continue living in this village. She is a danger to us all! Just look." Keao pointed to the dead boar. "Though we kill for survival, she has killed this beast inhumanly. This, could be any of this someday." Haku clasps his hands. "Please, Elder Keao. She would not harm anyone. Please give her a chance."

"Enough. I will not allow this woman to turn this village into ruin. She must be leave." The elder than turned to Y/n, who trembled under his sharp gaze. "Y/n L/n. I hear by banish you from this village! Now, begone with you, cursed woman!" Tears began to fall from Y/n's eyes. She could do nothing but obey the elder, if she did not, the village would chase her out by force. And so, she slowly rose to a stand and turned to leave. "Y/n! Wait!" Her father grabbed onto her arm. "Please...I can't loose you as well." You knew what he meant by that, your mother had died from a sickness while you were a child.

Your father was devastated, he was never quite the same since that day. He had lost the love of his life, and now, he was loosing his daughter. "I'm sorry papa...but you heard the elder. I can no longer stay here." She turned to her father, tears still streaming down her face. Despite that, she smiled. "I love you." With that, she ran off. She tried her best to ignore her father's cries for her. She could not go back, if she did, her father would be punished as well as her. She did not want that, she couldn't involve her father anymore than she already had.

She didn't know where she was going, but anywhere would have been better than there, where she would be treated as a monster and a curse...

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