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By midnight, the village was silent with sleep, all but two. You and Luffy. You two were both admiring the starry night sky. The sound of the gentle wave, crashing against the sand made the atmosphere all the more calming. "I can't thank you enough Luffy. I know you're tired of hearing it, but I mean it, really." You say softly. "Anytime Y/n! I would do it for anyone who needed my help. Besides, your village had lots of tasty meat! And I couldn't let that all go to waste." He pats his stomach. Ah yes, for the first time in your life, you've witnessed Luffy's monstrous appetite. It was like his stomach was a bottomless pit of hunger. Though, if you fought someone using all the strength you had in you, you would be pretty hungry afterwards too. "Have you come across stuff like this on your adventures a lot?" You ask. "Eh, sometimes yeah. Just don't think of me as a hero alright? I'm no hero." You were confused by his request. "Why not? You have every attribute of a hero." You say. "Heroes would share meat with everyone, but I want all the meat to myself. I'm a pirate not a hero." He clarifies. Hm, you guessed that made since. Pirates were greedy after all.

"Well, what else is your adventures like?" You ask. "It's really fun! You get to do whatever, whenever. You get to explore the world and meet new people. It's like a never ending dream. And one day, we'll all reach our dreams, and when we do, I will finally be known as Monkey D. Luffy, king of the pirates!" He says, as if the goal was already within his reach. You smile softly. "Well, I hope you make it there one day." You sigh. You kinda wished that you could experience those things as well. But you don't know the first thing about the open sea or the world outside of your island. "I hope I can see the world myself one day too."

"You can!" Luffy tells you. "I can? How?" You asked. "Sure you can! Why don't you join my crew?" He asks out of nowhere. You turn your head to face him so fast, you thought it would fall off your shoulders. "Join your crew? You mean, become a pirate?" You ask, unbelieved by his suggestion. "Yeah! That way, you can see the the world. You can join me and see it all everyday." You couldn't believe what you were hearing. You are being asked be a pirate. To see the would. To leave your island...your father..."Luffy, I don't know. I can't just leave my father."

"Oh I'm sure I'll be fine."

You turn to see your father standing across from you two. "Papa?" You father walked over to you and hugged you. "Y/n, I think an adventure is just what you need. You've been here your entire life, and you had never really been happy have you?" Had you? Your whole life you were forced to hide your abilities, then the moment they show, you were banished. Even before then, you never had many friends, it was just you and your father your whole life. And you felt, deep down, if you never found that devil fruit, you wouldn't have been any happier. Now here you were being offered a once in a life time opportunity, would you really be so willing to throw it all away, and regret it for the rest of your life?

"But papa, I don't want to leave you." Your father gives you a warm smile as he pet your head. "Please, you will never truly leave me. I'll be right here waiting for you to visit me again. I'll be the first one you see when you arrive. I want you to live your life to the fullest, you won't be able to do that here. We both know it." You nod and hug him tighter. "I'll never forget you papa." Your father returned the hug. "Neither will I. Now, you best get packed. You have a crew waiting for you." You pulled back to see Luffy, he was waiting for your answer. "Yes, I will join you!"

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The next morning, you were on your way to board the Merry, as the crew called her. They all welcomed you with opened arms, Zoro acted like he didn't care, but even he wasn't that heartless. And of course Sanji was more than happy that another woman would join the crew. Nami was happy too, though not for the same reason, just happy that there was another girl. It made your heart ache slightly that your village was seeing you off, and of course your father was there. He didn't even need to say anything for you to know, just how proud he was of you, and just how much he loved you. You waved him off as the Merry set sail, you kept waving goodbye until he and the island were no longer in view.

"Y/n?" You felt a hand on your shoulder. You look up to see Luffy. "I'm ok." You say softly putting your hand on his. "I will miss them, but I'll be back for them one day. Thank you so much for letting me join, Luffy."

"Of course. Now, let's celebrate!" He cheers. "Huh? But we just did last night!" You tell him. "Yeah, but that was for saving the village. This is for you! For a new addition to the crew." You couldn't help but blush. "F-for me?" Luffy nods. "Duh, we weren't just going to let you join and not celebrate. Sanji! Meat!" He calls. "Yeah yeah, I hear you loud and clear captain." Sanji waves him off before putting on his apron. "Yeah! Come on Y/n, I wanna show you something." He took your hand and ran off somewhere. "W-whoa!"

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Luffy lead you up to the Merry's head. It gave a clear view of the vast open sea, it was...beautiful. "This, is my special spot. Only I'm allowed up here, but I guess you can hang her for today, since you're new." He explains. Luffy's kept his hold on you tight, so you wouldn't fall. "Wow. Luffy, this is amazing." Your wide eyes took in as much as you could. "I know, right?" Luffy chuckles. "I can't believe I'm actually out here. I'm actually a pirate now!" You smile widely.

"Welcome to the Strawhat crew, Y/n." Says Luffy, smiling just as wide.

And so, this was the story, of how one pirate came along and made this young girl bloom, into the person she was destine to be. A pirate, exploring the world with a crew full of friends. But they just weren't her friends, they were a family, and together, they would all reach their dreams. And be their captain's side for when he became the king of pirates!

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