Chapter 2

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"You tryin to start a fight or something?" The pirate scowled. "" Y/n stutters. She figured he must have eaten a devil fruit as well, no normal human could stretch like that. Knowing this, she was still shocked, she had never seen devil abilities, aside from her own, in person before. And his were certainly strange. Y/n had to be careful with what she said and did next, she didn't know just how strong this pirate or his crew was. "W-why are you on this island?" She asked, as if she didn't already know the answer to that question. "Hm? We just landed here, this wasn't where we were going I guess." The pirate shrugged. "Hey! Do you know if there is a town here?" He asks suddenly. "N-no. No towns here." Y/n says as sternly as she can. The pirate gave her a funny look. "....ok!" He smiles and let's her go. "Hey, what's you're name by the way?" He asks. "Um, Y/n." Y/n tells him. "My name is Monkey D. Luffy. I'm gonna be the king of the pirates!" Luffy says proudly. Y/n decided not to question him on that.

"Well, I gotta get back to my crew! If I can find them that is." Luffy laughs. "W-wait!" Y/n stops him. "Uh...are you and your crew going to be here for a while?" She asks. "Hm, maybe. We do need food." Said Luffy. "Is that really all they need?" She thinks to herself. "I can help with that." She says. She would, if it meant they would leave faster and not discover her village. She may not be welcomed there anymore, but it still was her home. She had people she still cared there, including those who shamed her. And she could not let any harm come to her father, not after everything she's done to protect her. Now it was her turn to protect him. "You can!? Yes! Come on!" Luffy grabs onto her arm and runs from. "Ahh! What!? Where!?" Y/n asks in a panic. "To my crew!" Y/n gulps as she was continued to be lead to a potentially dangerous pirate crew.

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"I can't believe that idiot just ran off!" Said Nami angrily. "Can you really say that? You know how he can be." Usopp said while shaking his head. "Yeah, it's pretty much a given that he will do whatever he wants at this point." Sanji looked back at Zoro, who was trailing them. "You keeping up moss head?" He asks. "Shut it!" Zoro yells back. "Do you think Luffy is ok?" Asked Chopper. "I'm sure he is. Luffy's tough, even if he were to encounter some danger, he'll make it through." Usopp says, trying to assure the small reindeer. "Hey, I think I see him!" Nami squints her eyes. "Huh, who's that with him?" Sanji takes a look, then suddenly his eyes turned into heart shapes. "A beautiful woman!!!"

"Heeeey guyuuys!!!" Luffy waves. "I found some help!" He approaches the crew, still holding onto the girl. Y/n instinctively held onto Luffy's hand tighter, in fear of the new people. "Who is this Luffy?" Chopper asks. Well, he was cute...but what could she say about the rest? "This Y/n. She said she could help with food." Luffy tells them. The crew all had their attention on her now. She flinched before clearing her throat. "I-it's true. I'm familiar with this island, so I know how to find food that isn't poisonous or tainted."

"Ah thank you so much, mademoiselle~" Sanji takes her other hand gently. "Uh huh..." Y/n mutters. "T-this way." She takes her hand away from both men and started walking. The crew followed closely behind her.

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A few of the crew had set up a camp for themselves while some helped Y/n collect food. Y/n tried her best to remember their names. Luffy, the one with the stretchy abilities, was their captain. Sanji, the perverted blonde, was the ship's cook. They were the ones that tagged along with Y/n to look for food. Meanwhile, Nami, the crew's navigator, Chopper, their doctor, Zoro, the swordsman, and Usopp the cowardly sniper, stayed back to set up camp. While the three were looking for food, Luffy had eaten a few poison berries, which got him a kick to the head by Sanji. Surprisingly, he didn't get poisoned, not even a little sick. Maybe he didn't eat that much, or maybe it was thanks to to monstrous stomach. After an hour of searching, and nearly getting killed by a bear or two, they were on their way back to the camp, with a haul of food. And plenty of meat for their captain.

"Oi, woman, does this island have any booze on it?" Zoro asks Y/n as he adds more wood to the fire. "Um, sorry not that I know of." There was some alcohol back in the village, but that was only used for ceremonies, and special occasions. "Hey Y/n, do you live out here on this island all on your own?" Nami asks. "How have you done it for so long?" Chopper added. What could she say? These pirates didn't seem like the pirates her father told her about. Sure they could be a handful and quite the mess of a crew, but they weren't evil. If they were anything like the pirates you were told about, surely they would have done something horrible to her the second they saw her. So maybe she could trust them...

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