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The captain and his crew met up with a few other of his men. They still had the hunters captive. "It's Y/n!" One of them noticed her. Y/n did not meet their gaze. "We noticed a village up ahead." Said one of the pirates. "Then we'll head there. Come on girly." The captain dragged the girl. "You too." The pirates grabbed onto the hunters roughly and pushed them forwards. Y/n stops in her tracks and glares at the pirates. How dare they treat them like that? "I said move, girl." The captain growled. "No." Y/n mutters. "No?" The captain looked towards the men that held the hunters. They held up swords to their necks. "Wanna try again?" He asked. Y/n took a deep breath and focused. Suddenly a mass of vines wrapped around the pirates including the captain. Of course they began to struggle free, Y/n hadn't practiced with her abilities in many years. "Go to village! Warn them all! Hurry!" Y/n said to the hunters. They all nod and run off as quickly as possible.

Y/n also ran off. "After her! Kill her if you must, we don't need her!" The captain ordered.

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"Still no sign of her anywhere." Said Nami. "We'll find her. We just have to keep looking." Sanji says trying to reassure Nami. "Wait! There she is!" Luffy points ahead of them. "Luffy!!" Y/n calls. Luffy noticed the two men behind her. Just before they could raise their weapons to strike her, Luffy reeled back both of his fists, stretching them, they shot past Y/n and landed in the faces of the two men chasing her. Y/n quickly hurried to Luffy and wrapped her arms around his neck, hiding her face in his chest. "Luffy, my village! They're going to attack my village, they'll all be killed!" She sobs. "You have to help me, please!" Luffy looked down at her, his usual smile and cheerful demeanor now replaced with a more serious one.

"Whoa, Y/n calm down. Who's attacking you're village?" Nami asks. "Pirates..." Y/n mutters. "I couldn't stop any of them. My powers are far too weak." Luffy placed his Ames on her shoulder, gently he pulled her back. "Of course we'll help you. But first we need to get Usopp and Chopper."

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Once Usopp and Chopper were informed about the situation, they both agreed to help out. Now the crew was ready to fight and save Y/n's village. But was she ready? Like she said, her powers are extremely weak. Really all she could do was grow vines and tiny flowers. The only time her powers were of any use when it came to saving someone, was when that boar attacked her village. Though it was a gruesome way to take down an enemy, it was better than letting her village be destroyed. And would the villagers even want her to come back, even if it was to save them? "Y/n, we're ready." Luffy walked up to her. "Let's go save your village." He holds out his hand. Y/n looked at him and then down to his hand. "I just don't understand it...why is it you are so kind, and yet, there are pirates the same as you attacking an innocent village?" She asks. "You kidding? Those pirates are nothing like us." Luffy tells you. "Not all pirates are gonna be the same I guess. For one, I know we're stronger, cause we are gonna beat their asses!"

"And you can be strong too, Y/n." He gives her a smile. "You just have to trust us." Y/n dries her tears. "Alright. I trust you." Luffy smirks. "Then let's go save your village!"

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