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"Well, the truth is...There is a village on the other side of the island. The only reason I'd didn't say anything, is because I was afraid...afraid that you would go there and harm the villagers." Y/n admitted, avoiding the crew's eyes. "That's why I was following you." She looked over at Luffy. "I was going to try and stop you. But you guys don't seem horrible. I just hope I'm making the right choice by telling the truth."

"Why would we do something like that?" Y/n looks up at the crew. "If we found that village all we would have done is ask for some supplies." Said Nami. "Yeah, you don't have to worry about us attacking anyone." Chopper smiles. "Not unless they start some shit first." Said Zoro. "Did they send you to follow me or something?" Asked Luffy. Y/n shook her head. "No. I was banished." She said sadly. "Banished? For what?" Asked Usopp. "For this." Y/n plucked a leaf from a near by stick. She used her abilities to make an entire vine of leaves. "You have devil fruit powers?" Asked Chopper. Y/n nods and returns the leaf to how it was before. "They banished you for something as harmless at that ability? To grow grass?" Zoro asks. "It's not like that. My village believes that all devil fruit abilities are a curse. No matter harmless they may be. Anyone who has them, is to be banished from the village."

"I ate one when I was a kid, before I knew what they were, the elder agreed to let me stay if I never used my powers. But...I accidentally used them...the entire village looked at me like I was a monster. And so, they banished me..." Y/n finished. The crew was silent for a moment. "Man. That sucks huh?"

"Luffy!!" The crew yelled, outraged by their captain's rude behavior. "What it does, right!? Your village kicked you out for something you can't help! That's not right!" Luffy argued. "They had a good reason to." Y/n told him. "And they have good reasons not to trust pirates either. They hunt those things and use them to harm others. That is what's not right. And that's why devil fruits are a curse. It had to be done." Y/n hugged her knees to her chest. "It hurt but, it had to be done. The only person who didn't want me to leave was my father. He tried so hard to protect me, and to keep my curse a secret."

"Y/n..." Nami sighs. "So that's why you were all alone. I'm so sorry." Y/n shook her head. "It's fine. I've been doing pretty ok on my own actually." She smiles slightly. "Well, you can stay with us for tonight. That way you'll have some place warm to sleep." Nami says with a smile. The crew agreed with the navigator's words. "You guys..." Y/n's smile grew brighter. These pirates weren't bad at all, in fact, they were the kindest pirates you could have ever known. Maybe her father was wrong, maybe that entire village was wrong. Maybe Y/n wasn't a curse, and maybe, just maybe, she could befriend this strange pirate crew.

"Thank you..."

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Morning came sooner than you would have liked it to. And the Straw Hat's, which you learned was their name, had to get back on track. "It was really nice meeting you all. Thank you for las night." Y/n smiles softly. "Anything for a lovely young lady such as yourself!" Sanji gushes. Nami moves him out of the way. "It was nothing really, you don't have to thank you...but it wouldn't hurt if you had some berries to spare." She smirks. Y/n tilts her head. "I mean, sure I could. This island is full of all sorts of berries." Usopp and Zoro could be heard laughing from behind her. "Wait Nami, I thought you were more of a tangerine woman!" Usopp cackles. "Shut it!!!" Nami growls at the two men.

"Thanks for helping us out Y/n." Chopper speaks up. Y/n crouches to his height and pets his head. "Of course. How could I have said no to such a cute doctor?" Chopper's cheeks turned red and he started to do a little dance. "Shut up! That doesn't make me happy at all, jerk!" Chopper says, though his happy face made you think otherwise.

"Hey guys! We might have a problem." Said Usopp. The crew and Y/n turned their attention to him. "It looks like the Merry has a few holes. We might need to stay a little longer to fix it. It doesn't look to serious, but it's better to be safe than at the bottom of the sea."

"The trees here are pretty sturdy, it wouldn't break easy if your ship gets into an accident." Y/n tells them. "Alright! Let's get to work then." Luffy demands. "Yes, I'll just have to make sure the hunters aren't around. They usually make their rounds this time of day." Said Y/n. "I think you guys should stay here until I get back. I don't want there to be any kind of confrontation. Is that alright?"

"Sounds good." Said Luffy. "Ok. I won't be too long. See you in a bit!" Y/n hurries off into the forest towards her village...

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