Chapter 3

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Y/n waited for the hunters to clear out and head back to the village. They were out longer today, and hardly caught as much as they should have. "I hope they're doing ok..." Y/n sighs. She should feel the same hatred they felt for her, but she didn't. She still cared for all of the villagers. She continued to follow them, making sure they were really going back to the village. One of the hunters stopped the group and held on tightly to his spear. Y/n panicked for a moment, thinking she had been caught. But instead of the hunters attacking her, someone else attacked the hunters. Y/n had to repress a gasp when she saw the attackers. Pirates. Not the Straw Hat pirates, completely new pirates. The hunters charged the hunters, attacking with all their might, but in the end they were outnumbered and subdued. Y/n could only watch, helpless...

"Now if you don't wanna be strung up by your necks, I suggest you get to talking. Where is your village?" The hunters spat insults and cursed to the pirates, refusing to tell them anything. "Tsk. We'll find it eventually. Take care of them while I go back and tell captain." Said one of them before leaving. Y/n looked back at the hunters one last time before trailing after the pirate who left. She had to stop him, she couldn't hesitate this time. This time, she would make sure pirates would not step foot near her village.

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"Y/n sure has been gone for a while. Do you think she's ok?" Chopper asks. "She did say she knew this island, she can't be lost can she?"asked Nami. "Maybe we should go and look for her." Sanji suggests. "Someone should stay behind and watch the ship while we're gone." Usopp of course volunteered himself, not wanting to potentially get caught by hostile villagers. Chopper decided to stay behind as well. So Luffy, Nami, Zoro, and Sanji were left to find Y/n. "You think she went back to her village to tell them about us? For all we know she could have made that story about being banished up." Said Zoro. "I doubt it. Did you see the look on her face? She was heartbroken." Nami told him. "Well wherever she is, we'll finder." Luffy says determinedly.

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Y/n followed the pirate to the entry of the forest, she took a deep breath and charged at him. Y/n hooked a vine around his legs. "What the!?" The pirate fell once the vine were tight enough. The vine wrapped all around his body, enabling him to move. Y/n stood above him, looking as intimidating as she could. "Leave this island!" She demanded. "The hell are you saying!? Let me go you crazy bitch!" The pirate yelled. Y/n scowl deepened. "Not until you agree to take your crew and leave!" She yelled back. "Or what?" Asked a new deeper voice. Y/n turned to see a rather large man, towering above her. He must have been the captain. He was too big to fight, she had to run. But before she could move, the man grabbed her by the neck and lifted her above the ground. Y/n could only let out choked whines and groans. "You may have powers girly, but you ain't mastered 'em yet." His grip became tighter. "Now you're gonna tell us what you're so keen on hidin', or we'll have to use some...persuasion." He threw Y/n down to the ground. She coughed and wheezed trying to catch her breath. "N-no...leave." She glared up at him.

"Have it your way." The captain walked past her a bit. "This island, it's so full of greenery...makes me a little sick jut looking at it. So how about I have my men, take care of it?" The pirates behind him grabbed a few torches. They were going to set the island a blaze... "No!!" Y/n rose to her feet. If they were to do this, not only would the island suffer, the villagers could be killed. "Then I suggest you get talking." Y/n clenched her fists tightly. "And what will you do, if I tell you?" She asked. "If there are more people here, then maybe I can spare them. If they don't get in my way that is. But if you don't talk, I'll blast them all away!"

Y/n hung her head in defeat. "There is an island...but you won't find anything but people and supplies. There are no riches to be found here. I assure you." The captain ignored her and grabbed her. "Then let's go."

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