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A month had passed since you joined Luffy's crew. Slowly but surely your abilities improved, you were leaning new attacks and how to strengthen them. You had also gotten use to pirate life and the crew around you. Each one of them had their own place in the crew. As previously mentioned, Zoro was the swordsman of the ship, Nami was the navigator, Usopp was the sniper and even fixed up the ship whenever it needed repair, Sanji was the cook, Chopper was the crew's doctor, and Luffy was the captain. They each had their own goals they wanted and needed to reach. So you figured it was time to find your place among them, and think of a goal of your own. After careful consideration you decided to become the crew's journalist. You would record every adventure, every island, and every friend and foe you all came across. And as for your goal, you would make sure the world would know of Luffy and his crew for generations to come. Even after everyone has made their dreams come through, after Luffy becomes the pirate king, for many many years to come, no one would for they the Strawhat Pirates.

And so here you were documenting your newest adventure. This time you traveled to an island filled with centaur like humans. Luffy was of course amazed by the island's residents, and even Sanji found interest in the females of the island. It was almost like a resort, so you and the crew took the time to relax. Well almost relax, you wanted to try and test out your new abilities. You were determined to make trees bend to your will. Though, that proved a bit more difficult, you made the roots and some of the branches move, but that was about it. The entire crew tried to get you to take a break, we'll aside from Zoro, who was too busy drinking and sleeping.

Finally it took Luffy to get you to stop. And he was just as stubborn as you were. He wouldn't stop until you stopped. Though, he was a bit more persuasive and finally got you to relax. What persuasion did he use exactly? Well...

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"Y/n! Why don't you just take a break already? You've been at this for hours now!" Luffy exclaims. You turn away from the tree to face him, you looked exhausted. "I will Luffy. After I this I will, I'm really close to figuring this out, I just know it." You panted. Luffy wasn't having it. He crossed his arms and gave you a stern look. "But you're tired!" He huffs. "You need to rest, captain's orders!" You gave him a confused glance. He's never been super strict with his crew, why was he starting now? "Captain's orders?" You repeat his words. "Yeah! That means you have to do what I say. If you disobey...uh, I'll be even madder!" You couldn't help but find that cute, he was often like that. More cute than he was intimidating. Well, at least until it comes to the endangerment of his crew. Then he's a monster for a while.

"Come on Luffy, I promise, just a little while longer and I'll stop ok?" Luffy didn't respond, instead he walked over to you and picked you up. "Wha!? L-Luffy!?" You stammer, face turning red. He began carrying you bridal style somewhere. "If you won't relax, I'll make you." You cover your face with your hands, hoping the crew didn't see you two like this.

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The two of you made it back to the ship, which was confusing. "What are we doing here?" You asked. "Relaxing." Luffy says before stretching his arm around the top of the Merry's head. You two were launched up all the way up to the top. You yelped and held him tightly, you still weren't use to being flung around like this. Once Luffy landed he retracted his arm and laid back, with you on his chest. Once again your face turned red. "Luffy? I thought only you could be up here." You murmur. "Yeah but, I don't mind if it's you." You look up at him with shock. Your heart began to flutter. "O-oh. Ok then." You smile softly before resting your head back on his chest. His heartbeat soothed you, and slowly your heavy eyelids shut closed. Luffy smiles warmly before placing his hand on your back, then you both fell into slumber.

There would be more moments like this in the future. And you made sure you would be there for every second of it. Because the adventures had only begun.


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