Chapter 4

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Meanwhile, back in the village, it was chaos. The pirates had started their attack on the villagers, stealing whatever goods they could get their hands on, and taking the woman of the village hostage or as their slaves. But what the captain of the pirates really wanted, was treasure. Yet no matter how many homes were burned and tore down, no matter how many times his crew tried getting the answers from the villagers, wether it be by threatening or beating them, there was no gold to be found anywhere. So, his last resort was to go to the village elder, Keao. "I'll ask this one last time old man, where is your gold?" The captain growls. Keao was not fazed by his aggression. "You will find no gold here. Your venture was in vain." He said calmly. "So you say. But we have not traveled for nothing. If we find no gold here, then we will make this trip worth it all." The captain walked passed him. "As you can see we've taken a handful of your women." He smirks disgustingly. "And before we leave, we'll just burn down this village of yours."

Keao glared the captain down. "You pirates are all the same. Taking as you like, and leaving nothing but carnage behind! Have you no shame!?" The captain turned to him. "Of course not, who do you think we are?" His attention turned to his crew. "Continue searching."

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"Ok! Everyone remember the plan?" Asked Nami. The crew all yelled a determined "Yep!" as they all ran towards the village, weapons ready. "Are you sure you guys know what you're doing?" Y/n asks. "I mean, I'm sure you know how to fight, but once my village sees you all, they won't be too happy. Wether your helping them or not, you're still pirates to them." She explains. "As long as we help them, it doesn't matter what they think of us after." Sanji tells you. "Yeah, we're pretty much use to be hated." Usopp laughs awkwardly. "Let's just focus on who the enemy are for now. We can deal with the backlash later." Zoro said, his words slightly muffled by the third sword in his mouth...which you found...odd. You shook it off and did just as Zoro said. "We're approaching my village now. Should we split up now?" You asked. "Yep! Let's go!" Luffy lead with Usopp behind him. "Right. Let's get a move on, marimo." Sanji mutters. "The hell did you say? I'll cut your ass up after we deal with these jackasses!" Zoe or threatens as they both run off in a different direction. Leaving you, Nami, and Chopper to go your own way. "You ready?" Nami asks you and Chopper. "Yep!" You two nod before following her.

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Zoro and Sanji were the first ones on the scene. Zoro took on as many pirates as possible, while Sanji rescued the women they took hostage. But instead of the Prince Charming who gets the ladies, as he so claimed to be, he was beaten by the women before they ran off to safety. Although, Sanji wasn't complaining none, telling from the swollen smile and bloody nose. Meanwhile Zoro was taking down pirate after pirate, slicing them up like they were nothing. Soon enough, more pirates arrived on the scene. "Oi! Perverted cook! Get your lazy ass up and take these bastards down!" He yells. Sanji's entire body was engulfed in flames. "Shut it marimo!!!!!" He takes a flying kick towards him, Zoro dodges, letting the blow fall upon the pirates. "Huh. Look at that. You are useful after all." Zoro stars bluntly. "Damn you!!" Sanji growls.

Luffy and Usopp, who weren't that far away, were taking down enemy pirates themselves. Usopp slingshots all sorts of different things at them. Ranging from spikes, fire, and stink bombs. And while they were all distracted with that, Luffy delivered a whirlwind of punches. Even using his devil fruit abilities, to stretch his arm a great length, and bashing an entire group of pirates at once. "Where is your captain!?" Luffy grabs onto the only pirate left out of the bunch. The pirate yelped and squealed like a little girl as he was sent flying towards the angered Luffy. As soon as he was only a few inches from him, he cracked. "Ahhh! He's in the village center!" Luffy threw him aside before running off. "Let's go Usopp!" The sniper followed right after his captain.

Finally there was Nami, Chopper, and You. Your job was to free the fighters and children of the village. They were all guarded by a group of hefty looking pirates. "A few of them look injured." Chopper whispers. "After we save them, I'll have to check them out. It could be serious." You and Nami nod. "Then we'll go ahead." Nami whispers, tightening her hold on her weather staff. You gulp, and try to calm your nerves. This would be your first real fight, if you messed up, your village could be at risk. "Right." You nod as you follow her. "Heeeey boys~" Nami says seductively. "Mind if we steal those villagers away from you for a sec?" She bats her eyes cutely. The pirates clearly weren't having it. "Get those two women!" One of the yelled. Two of the pirates ran forwards. "Oh well, I tried asking nicely." Nami shrugs before grabbing onto her weather staff. "Thunder Ball!" She yells as a yellow ball surround the two pirates. Suddenly electricity engulfed the two effectively rendering them unconscious. You had to admit, you were amazed by what you saw. How did electricity come from a staff? Before you could question any further, something caught the corner of your eyes. A pirate was sneaking up on Nami. "Nami watch out!" Nami turned just in time to see the pirate raise his sword to strike her.

She wouldn't have time to dodge. "Nami!!" You raise your arms, a flow of vines wrapping around the pirates arms, stopping him from swinging. Nami smirks and smacks him upside his head with her staff, knocking him out in the process. "Great job Y/n!" Nami smiles. "Now let's go save those villagers!"

"Not so fast." The two of you whipped around to meet the eyes of a very angry captain. "You two are quite the trouble makers aren't you?" The captain started walking towards you two. Nami was about to defend before the captain quickly zipped behind her, and knocked her out. "Nami!" You cried. The captain turns to you, his fist were clenched tightly. You were next...

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