Chapter 5

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Chopper ran all the way back to the far end of the village, where Sanji, Zoro, as Usopp were waiting. "Guys!" Chopper called out. Sanji of course was the first to notice Nami and your's state. "Nami-Sawn! Y/n-Chan! What happened to them!?" He hurried to meet him halfway. "That captain did this to all of us. Nami will be ok, she's just unconscious." Chopper explained. "Where is Luffy?" Usopp asked. "He's still fighting the captain. He told me to watch out for this." You take off his hand and hold it close to you. "Whoa, Luffy only does that in serious circumstances." You look down at the hat. "I can't believe he's risking himself just to help me. Just to help out one person, that he doesn't even really know, and their village. Is he always like that with people?" You ask. "Believe it or not, yes." Zoro sighed. "Luffy isn't like a lot of people. If there is someone that needs his help, he'll do whatever he can to help them. Even it killed him."

"Even if it kills him?" You felt your eyes water over with tears. "If he gets killed...because of me, I-I don't know what I'll-" Chopper cut you off. "I wouldn't get too worried about that. Luffy has to be the strongest person I've ever know. Strong when it comes to fighting, and will power. He'll pull through. You said you believed in him right?" You wipe away a few tears before nodding. "Yes, I did. I do."

"Alrighty then." Usopp crosses his arms. "Then we should make sure these villagers are ok. I saw a few injured ones, Chopper." He tells the reindeer. "Then I'll take care of them. Are you all ready?"

"Yeah!" The three men say affirmatively before looking to you. You placed Luffy's hat back onto your head. "Yeah!" You say, more determined than before.

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The gang had just rounded up and Chopper healed any of the injured villagers. He of course needed help from Sanji, Zoro, Usopp, and you, given the amount of villagers. They refrained from insulting them and referring to them as filthy pirates. Maybe they saw that they, even though pirates, really did their best saving them. Though, something that could not be ignored, was the fact that your father was nowhere to be found. "I hope he is safe..." You silently prayed. Perhaps there was a chance he was with the others. You and Nami didn't get the chance to save the other men and children of the village. But they were with Luffy, and he would surely protect him. But you still couldn't shake the idea that your father could be hurt somewhere, or worse... "I'm going back!" You say sternly. "What do you mean you're going back?" Asked Sanji. "My father isn't here. I have to go back for him."

"Y/n, that's dangerous. You can't go there alone!" Said Chopper as he finished wrapping badges around a villager's head. "I have to! My father could be the one in danger! I won't stand by and wait around, while he could be hurt or dying!" You began to walk off. "Then let me come with you." Sanji offers. "No, you're needed here, helping Chopper." You turn to him, giving him a soft smile. "Don't worry, I'll be careful." Sanji had to repress a nosebleed. "S-still, I don't want you going alone."

"Sanji. Everyone. If I can't even save one person, then what good am I? I have to at least try. Please." You clasps your hands together. Sanji looks back at the group. "Hey, if she's so determined to go, then let her." Zoro shrugs. "I mean, as long as she watches out for herself, she should be fine." Said Usopp. "You better not get hurt!" Chopper says sternly. Sanji sighs. "Alright. Just be careful ok?" You nod before hugging him. "I will." You then hurried off.

"....Y/N-CHAN~!!!!" Sanji started to nosebleed profusely.

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You searched for what seemed hours, and still no sign of your father. He just had to be with Luffy and the others. As much as you dreaded the thought of seeing Luffy hurt, and your frightened fellow villagers, you just had to go. For once in your life, it was time to be strong...

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