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"Y/n!" Chopper ran out from the bushes. He stuck a round yellow ball into his mouth, before chomping down. "Guard Point!" Chopper's body turned into a giant ball of fluff. He launched himself at the captain, punching and kicking as hard as he could. The captain hardly flinched at the jabs. He grabbed onto Chopper's arm as he went for another strike, and slammed him harshly into the ground. "Augh!!" Copper cried out in pain. "No! Stop, please!" You begged. "You should know, pirates who try and claim another pirate's treasure...are as good as dead." The captain says lowly. "They don't want any of your treasure!" You yelled. "They were just helping me save my village! If you want to harm someone because of that, it should be me! So please stop hurting them!"

The captain rushed over to you and grabbed you by the neck, and held you up high. "It's a shame really. You would have made a perfect addition to my crew. A devil fruit user such as yourself...all wasted, because of a little village like this." You glared down at him. "T-this...village is...my home...I won't let you...destroy it..." You choke out. "And what can you do to stop me?" The captain asked. "Hit me with those flimsy vines? Face it girl, you may have powers, but it means nothing if you can't properly use them. With that in mind, all you are, is a weak, pathetic woman. Who has no idea what she's doing." You became speechless at his words. True words. Everything he said, was true. You had no idea how to use your abilities correctly. You got lucky a few times before, but eventually that luck would run out, like now for example. You might as well not have these abilities at all, nothing changed really. He was right, you were still weak...

Your struggling stopped, you felt the captain's grip grow tighter around your neck. "Pitiful isn't it? Allow me to end it for you." Everything around your started to become dark, this was it. This was your end...

"Let her go!!!" You hear someone shouts loudly, before hearing a cracking noise. "Gumo Gumo No...Pistol!!!"

You felt yourself drop to the ground, coughing roughly you open your eyes to see none other than Luffy, decking the captain dead square in his jaw. Luffy yells before putting more force into his punch, sending the captain flying. Luffy lands on his feet, sending dust flying out from under him. He stood tall, fist clenched tightly. "Luffy..." You murmur. He turns to you, concern overlapping his anger. "Sorry I'm late Y/n." He walks over and places straw hat on your head. "Watch that for me, while I beat this guy into the ground." He says aggressively with a smirk. You bit down on your lip, repressing a whimper. You gently placed your hands on his hat, before nodding. "I will..." Luffy's grin dropped as he saw the captain getting up again. "You have a lot of nerve, Strawhat Luffy." The captain growls. "You really think you and your crew will be enough to stop me? You're strong, but not strong enough."

"You're really pissing me off with that who's strong and who's weak talk. How about you shut your mouth and bring it on!" Said Luffy, getting into a fighting stance. "I'm gonna make you pay for attacking this village, and hurting my friends!" He rushed the captain, he then reels both of his arms back. "Gumo Gumo No...Bazooka!" He launches both of his forwards towards the captain. The captain dodged and kicks Luffy in the gut. Luffy coughed up a bit of blood on impact. "Luffy!" You call out in worry. Luffy growls and grabs onto the captain leg tightly. "Gumo Gumo No..." His own leg shot up far into the air before coming down at a rapid pace. "Stamp!" His foot came crashing down on the captain's head. Luffy jumped back and tried to gather himself.

Meanwhile, Chopper, now reverted back to his normal form, was just regaining consciousness during the battle. "Luffy?" He stands on weak legs. "Chopper, take Nami and Y/n and get back to the others. I'll be there shortly." Luffy tells him, not taking his eyes off the the foe in front of him. "Right." Chopper bites down on another rumble ball, this time he transformed into a more realistic looking deer. "Y/n, help Nami onto my back." He walks over to you. Hardly able to tear your eyes away from the battle, you nod and lift Nami up onto Chopper. "You too. Don't worry, Luffy will be ok." Chopper says, trying to reassure you. "Believe in our captain."

"Yeah." You hopped onto Chopper's back. "I do believe in him." With that, Chopper ran off, leaving Luffy to deal with the enemy captain.

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