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Hi y'all it's your author Arwyn, and if you didn't read the summary for some reason this is basically just a bunch of random stuff I've written and want to share.

Trigger warnings- when needed i will issue a trigger warning at the beginning of each part. In said warning i will state if it can be avoided or if it wouldn't make sense to skip. If skippable I'll issue a second warning before the part and I'll make the ending clear.
Letters- some of these will be in the letter format. Some of said letters will be purely fictional, some fiction added, or non fiction, i will not state when that is and i will not use real names in any of them. Assume they are fiction.
Other stuff- i will be talking about trama here, i am safe as is everyone involved. Often times i will be speaking from first hand experience or a primary source.

Feedback of any kind is welcome just don't be an ass about it.

-i curse sometimes it's gonna be random
-im okay with any pronouns they/them is preferred but i don't care in the long run
-uhhh enjoy ill prob add to this later so don't ignore the updates

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