Battle Training!

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Izuku looks up at the building as Kaminari looked nervous. All Might had given them a pair of cuffs, a map of the layout, and a set of earpieces.

"So, do you know how to take out someone without too much harm to electricity?" Kaminari asked as Izuku glance at him with a questioning gaze.

"Why?" He questioned as Kaminari rubbed his neck.

"You were Voltage, so I guess you more familiar with controlling electricity than I am."

As Kaminari explained, Izuku stares at his hands, noticing his right arm and hand clenched tightly.

"50,000 Volts. Same as tasers." Izuku answered his question as All Might shouted through the intercoms.

"THE MATCH AS BEGUN! The hero team can now enter the building." Both electric users nodded at each other as they ran into the building. As they did, Izuku charges into rooms, with Kaminari being backup.

Izuku closed his eyes as he let out a deep breath. His eyes widen as he turns a corner with his fist covered with electricity. His eyes soon met Bakugous as he sends his fist directly at his face, sending his flying back.

"Move!" Kaminari shouted as Izuku rolled away as a sound wave appeared.

"Kaminari, you have to deal with Jirou. Bakugou is going after me, so just knock her out, that's all!" Izuku shouts as he rolled under Bakugou's explosion as throws an uppercut to his stomach. Kaminari turns to see Jirou serious face.

"Don't expect me to go easy." Jirou scoff at Kaminari's word as her ear jacks reaches to her amp boots. Quickly reacting, he charges up electricity as he released it.

Yellow electricity soon chased after Jirou as she jumps roll away from it, missing the sigh of relief from Kaminari. She turns as she stabs her jacks into her boots and lets out a soundwave at Kaminari. He brought his hand into a cross formation as he pushed to the wall. He grunted as he looks up to see the challenging glare from Jirou.


Izuku spun around as he narrowly dodges an explosion from Bakugou. He huffed as he peeks out of the corner and throws a shock grenade before retreating to his corner cover. He ran away as he heard Bakugou let out a rage-filled yell.

'Okay, so far, I am separated from my teammate who is facing a girl with a sound quirk, I'm against Bakugou, and I pissed him off with 8 minutes left. Yeah, things aren't looking good.' Izuku thought as he peeks around to see Bakugou blowing up doors, shouting profanities.

'He blows things up with his hands? So if they are out of the picture, then that means he's out, and I can go help Kaminari. Problem is...,' Izuku thought as he reveals himself as Bakugou snap his head towards him. 

... how am I suppose to get him down?' He thought. Bakugou charged at him. Izuku let out a tch as his hands and legs charged with blue electricity.

Izuku POV

I duck as Bakugou swung a right hook, letting me jab at his stomach hard. He got sent flying but quickly recovered as he used his explosion to get back into the fight. I push the air, creating a big wide electric wall that stopped Bakugou and knocks him down. Good to know that I can still manipulate electricity.

I lunge at Bakugou with my fist raised as I punch his right arm biceps, leaving him open. I place my hand in the direction of his chest and let out an electric rocket. Now, he should be down for the count cause that's electricity blowing up like a bomb, which is very dangerous. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as I stare at Bakugou.

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