The Storm Arrives

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Izuku looked around the busy streets of Hosu, people commenting on his outfit as he mildly blushes; not from the praise as Shoko, the reason, was keeping a blank face while both were hand holding in public.

You know, to let others know he's taken.

Izuku wore a dark green jacket zipped up with trackpants, his red high tops and black fingerless gloves with a white underside and padded knuckles. The tracksuit had a green union symbol on it, and the jacket had no hood but it contained his signature mask, attacked to the collars which were raised from the normal standard variations.

Shoko had a black shirt over a dark blue suit jacket with black highlights and a white shoulder holster, dark blue pants with white high boots. She had bracelets with white details that protrude outwards. The white details were made from material that act both as a heat and cold dissipater, cooling or warming her far quicker than usual.

The two continue their patrol as Endeavour and Blizzard stood in front of them, both smirking at Shoko showing off her relationship to everyone else. They had been on patrol for an hour, but it felt more like they were teaching them how to show off their duo status with how much PDA Shoko did, much to Izuku's complaint.

"You two surely are quite the pair. You might make people think we're not expressing our love enough." Rei teased as Shoko huffed. Izuku, on the other hand.

A sense of dread shot through his spine as he removed his hand from Shoko, earning a short whine from the fire and ice girl. Izuku jogged ahead, passing both pro heroes as they looked at him in confusion.

Once Izuku looked around the corner, he was hit by giant chunk of ice by which the size was that of a boulder, sending him rolling off the ground.

Within seconds, shock wore off the two professional heroes as they sprung into action as they turned to face the villain, while Shoko rush to Izuku.

"Izuku! Are you okay?" She asked as Izuku got up, giving a grunt of affirmation. He looked up to see an ice giant, with its head an icicle spike and the ice patches that consist of its body was darker in the centre before brightening up towards the edges.

In front of the monstrosity was the Ragnarök couple.

Endeavour fired off a blast of red flames as the giant covered its face, the ice creaking and cracking under the heat as it walked backwards. Before it could do anything, it got hit by an electric green rocket, sending it tumbling back as Izuku and Shoko join, both soon firing torrents of red flames that engulfed the ice giant.

After a minute of continuous firing, they relinquished their flames, and what remained of the giant was a puddle of boiling water. The two huffed before more screams were heard elsewhere. They ran to the source, finding another ice giant, accompanied with batch of soldiers, wearing a suit that's a cross between a diver suit and a space suit.

Each of them had guns and were creating ice constructs and spikes, causing a havoc by shooting civilians while they run.

Izuku rand forward, firing a tether of lightning that grabbed a civilian, flinging it towards him where Endeavour caught them. The former vigilante then made an electric shield before spreading it outward, covering the whole street as it took bullets after bullets, which all turned to vapours once it touched the electric shield.

"Turns out there is a lot of these suckers all around Hosu. Situation is turning dire as heroes are calling for backup everywhere." Rei said as Endeavour grunted. He turned to Izuku, who was trying to keep the shield up.

"What's weird is that the ice constructs are being destroyed by themselves. Whoever these guys are, they're not conduits and I doubt there are this many ice users in the world with the same power." He said as Shoko got next to him, her left hand ablaze as she nodded at Izuku who shook his head.

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