The Starting Point

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The world has many discoveries which humanity have found, most of them bringing inventions. These advances the human race to peaks once thought to be impossible. But one day, a discovery found them. Soon, the world had many people getting abilities giving them powers like superheroes in comics. At first, it was a surprise, as the majority were in confusion, but they soon adjusted to it. They embraced it, and they named these powers, "Quirks". 80% of the world soon gained quirks, which brought disorder and villains, making some groups of people fight against them. These were called heroes, protectors of peace and the people.

However, they were not out of the waterworks yet.

A new set of powers appeared as some form of explosions occurs, and several kids had gained other skills; the ability to manipulate any form of medium. But these brought a cost, as they were stronger than quirks but they lead to people dying. This lead to many people hating them as they lose their loved ones. This hatred led to some getting into a program that put them away from others. This method kept both parties safe and to stop any unnecessary bloodshed.

These people were named by the media as ''Conduits''.

"And then, here we are. Me, Inko Midoriya, reading this story to you, Izuku 'I wanna hear a story before I sleep' Midoriya." A young lady with green hair named Inko Midoriya said as she closed the book she was reading. She looked up to see a child with viridian messy curly hair, and jade eyes that glow toxic emerald. She pinches his cheeks, making the boy giggle from his attempt to fake his sleepiness.

"Ow, mom stop." He said while giggling as his mother laughed as Izuku try to swat her hands away.

"But I want to know about everyone's life before quirks. Please?" Izuku asked as he gave puppy eyes to his mother, who shook her head.

"Tomorrow, okay? And this time, your father will read it, okay?" She said as Izuku nodded. He quickly covered himself in his blanket on his bed, clutching the scarf he has on himself. Inko tucked him in and leaned over to kiss his forehead, whispering kind words to him.

"Sleep tight; don't let the bed bugs bite." She said as Izuku nodded, muttering to himself, "No bed bug bites, mommy said no," as Inko left the room.

She turned to see her husband. A man in his mid-twenties was leaning against the wall near the door. He has black curly hair that always looks to be in a mess. He has black eyes with white slits on them and a small prickly beard.

"So hows the little bugger sleeping?" He said as Inko smiled as she looks at the door.

"He's fine, it's just that he hasn't shown any signs of quirks appearing. You know what that means, right?" She said as she looked at her husband with concern in her eyes.

"Hisashi." The man turned to his wife as he hugged her. "Don't worry, he'll be fine with or without his quirk. Besides, he got Toshinori as his God-Father, so there is nothing to be scared of." He said, washing away any form of fear from his wife's face.

"Now then, lets head to bed now. I can tell you are about to collapse." He said as he carries his wife to the bed, making her blush.

"Hisashi!" She whispers yelled as he chuckled, both entering their room. The family soon slept as the night passes on. And when daylight break, everything changed for Izuku. He woke up to see the clock reads 7 AM.

He quickly got up and refreshed himself, before he immediately ran to his house living room. There he found his father in his civilian clothing and his mother in her housewife clothing, washing some of last nights dishes.

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