Wild Sparks

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Shoko tapped her index finger on the table lightly at a rapid pace. Her eyes occasionally looked at the classroom clock as it ever so ticks towards 1:30 PM. 

'Fifteen more minutes..., why does it take so damn long?!' Shoko shouted in her mind as she added her middle finger to tap on the table, somewhat into a song.

A pair of onyx eyes look at her in curiosity as a girl, whose skin is pink as her hair, leaned to do that as well.

"Something is up with Todo-chan." The pink skin girl said as the onyx eye girl nodded.

"Momo, I think its time for us to follow her to where she goes all the time." Momo, the onyx eye girl, didn't listen and instead shook her head.

"Ashido Mina! Pay attention!" The teacher shouted, scolding the pink tone girl. Mina apologizes as she paid attention to the classes, sometimes glances at Shoko.

"Anyway, since this will be the last week until you all graduate, we have to talk about your future work forms." The teacher said until he grinned and just threw the papers in the air.

"Ah, who cares!? You're all going to try out the Hero Course either way!" He exclaimed as all the students cheered loudly, except for a few dozen students.

"Oi, teach. Don't lump me, and my group, with all these extra's; most of them won't be stand-alone heroes and end up as some D tier heroes at best." A boy proudly says as it made most of the students mad at him. Thye began cursing at him, making him smirk at all of them.

"What? As if you can do anything with those quirks of yours!" He exclaimed as they all shut up.

"Bakugou, behave! That is not the behaviour of a hero, don't ridicule your peers." Another boy stood up and began robotically doing karate chops at the proud boy.

"Thank you, Ida, but to see that you, Bakugou and your friends are going to UA High!" Their teacher said in surprise, which didn't make any of the students act different.

Except, one proud blonde student did act differently when the teacher said that.

"YEAH, WE ARE! We're practically the best this school has to offer. Most of us ace the mock exams, and few of us trained our whole lives for this. If anything, WE'RE GOING TO DESTROY THAT SHITTY EXAM!" Bakugou shouted in pride, making all the other students glare at him.

"That's enough, Bakugou, sit down now." The teacher said, but the bell ringed, leaving the rest of the class in relief.

They hated to listen more of Bakugou's prideful gloating about him and his greatness.

Shoko quickly gathered her bag and got up to get out of the classroom. But before she could, someone blocked her pathway.

"Get out of the way Ox," Shoko said coldly, as she glared at the boy in front of her. He was taller than her, has orange wavy hair that ends at the back of his head. He has red eyes and a cocky grin plastered all over him.

"And why would I princess~?" He purred the nickname as Shoko walked past him, and went on her way.

"You know, one way or another, your father will have to accept our marriage proposals." He said, following her as Shoko grew, even more, irk marks.

'Does this asshat have nothing better to do other than to bother me EVERY DAMN DAY?!' Shoko angrily thought as she walked even faster. She walked outside the school, and Ox was still following her.

"If only you-"

"LET'S GET ONE THING STRAIGHT, YOU LITERAL APE SIZE BRAIN HEAD! I am not one of you little boy toys that you can merely flaunt around, nor will I EVER BE A FUCKING OBJECT TO HAVE IN YOUR SAD EXCUSE OF A FUCKING LIFE! Got it?" Shoko shouted, coldly saying the last two words as she glared daggers into Ox.

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