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Izuku huffed as he concentrated the flames into a single orb, orange wisps of heat escaping it as Endeavour watched from the sidelines. The orb looked like a darker shade of green, with hints of lime hue present as well.

"Good, now like your bolts, fire it at the dummy." Endeavour coached as Izuku nodded, sweat dripping on his face as he flexed his hand.

The orb soon blasted off and formed into a flaming bullet as it contacted the dummy, a tiny explosion forming with charred bits of the dummy flew out of the impact zone.

Izuku huffed as he formed another flame bullet and fired once more, repeating the process again and again. With each attempt, the flame bullet slowly changed its shape, and the time is taken to form it gradually decreases with each formation.

He looked back at the patriarch of the Todoroki family, who nods at his achievement.

"Looks like you are getting better at it, but I didn't expect the growth to be this slow." He said as Izuku nodded looking at his hand. "Especially since similar fire conduits are capable of forming these flame bullets with ease."

Izuku hummed as he stared at his hand. He looked up to see Rei and Shoko waving at them, making him gain a dumb smile that made Shoko giggle like a schoolgirl.

"It's odd that you can use multiple types of conduit powers, yet you have natural experience growth that goes along with it." Endeavour pondered as Shoko tilts her head.

"Eh? Isn't it easy since you can do it quite a couple of times?" Shoko said as Izuku nodded to what she said.

"I wish it was like that. It can compare to studying. I may have done it once or twice, but that doesn't mean I will remember it. I have to keep doing it and that's not considering I have to practice all of my electric moves as well." Izuku lets out a sigh as Shoko nodded with a groan.

"Why does it feel like you can't grow beyond that? I feel like at this point, you should be taking on giants three hundred times your size." Shoko said as Izuku looked at the floor, finding it quite interesting.

Endeavour and Blizzard giggled as Shoko look back at Izuku, and narrowed her eyes at him.

"You..., did you fight against something similar?" She asked as Izuku didn't move for a minute before he nodded. Shoko let a groan before shaking her head as she tried to remember what could be.

"It was Corruptor, the guy that can turn into those monsters." He said as Shoko narrowed his eyes at the name.

"But that Devourer wasn't that big?" She said as Izuku shook her head, making Shoko blanch. "He has an even bigger form!?"

"Yeah, he calls it 'Behemoth', and it lives up to the name. Although I wouldn't be surprised if he had another form like that." Izuku stated as Shoko shook her head and grabbed Izuku's shoulders.

"Don't even think about fighting that again, much less even try!" Shoko said as she snapped towards his parents. "Please ban him from doing it, please!"

Endeavour sighed as his wife took over.

"Snowflake, I wish we could, but the HPSC is doubling down on making your boyfriend deal with all of these conduits." Rei said as Shoko looked horrified. "Their reason is that out of all other heroes or anyone that could fight, Izuku is the only one who has the better chance of defeating them."

"That's highly irresponsible." Shoko said as Rei nodded.

"But no one can do anything about it." Endeavour said as he looked at Izuku and snapped his finger gaining everyone's attention. "So, we ought to do our job and teach him everything we can, ensuring that he will not be in endangered."

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