25K Special

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The next special chapter will be on the 50K one. Now let's get this show on the road. Also, note to all of you, all of the special are canon to the book.

The night was dark and hollow while the rain mask it's silence as it pours onto the earth and the buildings. The water flows and some made contact with a certain red liquid.


Standing near the massive puddle of blood stands a young girl, most likely at the age of 13, holding a sharp object of Darkness as light shines on her forearm and soon vanishing into nothing. She overlooks over the dead body of a man with many, many cuts, stabs, slashes and such all over his body. His body lay there, motionless. A sign of the person dead.

She felt hollow. Why though? She thought as she touches her face and she can feel the wetness on it. She wasn't sure if she was crying or if it was rain, she only felt hollow. Why do I feel like this?! She thought of anger and distress.

I killed him, I ended the nightmare my mother and brother faced, I KILLED MY BASTARD OF A FATHER! SO WHY DON'T I FEEL SATISFIED?! WHY?! She thought as she balls her hand into a fist. She soon felt blood coming from it, but it didn't matter.

"Why am I still feeling hollow?" She asked no one in particular as she sees her dead father slowly going away. She felt warm tears mixing with the cold rainwater as he falls to her knees. Her mother is safe and so is her younger brother. They are safe for sure, she even exposed her father. So why is she, Adria Lela, not feeling any forms of joy. WHY!?

"The reason..." A voice called out to her, making her stop and hastily turning around while forming a pair of swords as she turns to meet the person. Her eyes widen as she sees Carnage, a man known in the underground as the man of chaos. He was a man to be feared and there was only one person who can face him and live to fight another day.

Regardless, she felt scared. This man had nothing against killing villains, even though he is one of them, and he has no hesitation. "... is that you killed someone." He continued as he slowly walks over to her.

Adria, on the other hand, was stiff and zoned out. Falling to the wet cold floor, she was recalling what she has done. I killed someone... She thought as she felt fear overtaking her body as Carnage's footsteps, albeit muffled for her, coming closer. How I am going to be normal after doing that? She thought as she dropped her head and her hands.

Somehow, she stopped feeling the rain and cold in return for warmth and someone holding her? Looking up she sees Carnage cuddling her as he lets her lean onto his jacket. "Why are you doing this..." Her voice was monotoned and her eyes were devoided of the spark in her life that made her happy-like. "I was in a similar position as you are... I'm not here to kill you, but to ask if you have a plan afterwards." He said in a calm and caring voice, remembering the words of a woman with green hair cooing those words.

She felt warmer on her face and hugged him back, clinging on him like her needs its warmth. She breathes in and out multiple times until she stops and calms down. She shakes her head as her answer for him. Making him hum in understanding, as he runs his hand through her hair, combing it, to make her feel in peace.

It worked and she felt something replicating a perfect copy of her mother's warmth. She held on with an iron grip and her mind was in happy mode. She took one deep breath and faced Carnage and said the 5 words that changed her life entirely.

"Can I stay with you?"

She woke up and looked around in distress, her mind racing a million miles per hour as she pants heavily. A pair of arms surrounded her and pulled her, ceasing her panic attack almost instantly. She looks up to see her loving boyfriend, Tsukio Saichi, cuddling with her. She can see the sunlight filling in the room, brightening it up as Adria hums while caressing her boyfriends' cheeks. "Are you okay, princess?" She hears her boyfriend speaking making her nod as she smiles while closing her eyes.

It was one hell of a ride, but in the end, she is with the person who set her right and the person who made her life better than it was by giving her a chance to be someone new. If life wanted them apart, then let it try miserably as the villain couple hold one another in peace hoping for a chance they get their past life back.

Until then, they stand by each other till the end.

There you all go. An Omake (I think) about how the two villain couples come together and a spoiler on Adria's past life chapter, that will come in the later future. On a side note,


It makes me a lot happy to know I got 25K reads on my book along with almost 400 votes! Thank you all and to make sure none of your support goes away, I will do my damn hardest to make sure the Sports Festival arc will be great.

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