Chapter 16- Unexpected interruptions.

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WARNING; little bit of making out and detail in this chapter, dont say I didn't warn ya. Xx

Brittany's POV;

Before I could finish my sentence, I felt the same gentle and warm lips pressed against mine that where the same as Valentines Day, it was Trevor. My bestfriend. Right now I didn't care, I just rolled over and sat on his lap with my arm's wrapped around his neck and my legs wrapped around his waist as he's arms where placed under my jumper, rubbing my bare back. His hands felt freezing cold against my warm skin, but I didn't mind.

Trevor's POV;

As I leant in to kiss Britt, much to my suprisement she didn't pull away instead she hoped on my lap as I was previously sat beside her looking at her, her arm's where wrapped around mine as her freshly manicured nails touched the back of my neck just before the beginning of my jumper, I had my hands under her warm bare back and we were making out, I wasn't expecting this when I originally leant in to kiss her but I was enjoying every single second of it. After about 10 minutes, Myles and Sam walked in. Much to my dismay.

"AHHMM." Sam said trying to get our attention.

"Hello this is an open area." Myles friendly reminds us.

Britt burys her head into my shoulder as I still rub her bare back with my cold hands. I laugh.

"No one asked you to come in here." I tell them a little irritated.

"Making out so what?" Brittany tells them just as annoyed.

"I didn't know you where dating britt" Sam says looking at Brittany & I.

"We aren't.'' Brittany tells them shyly.

"Uh." Myles and Sam exchanged confused looks as if to say "what are you doing making out then?"

"Anyway I've had enough questions for one night. I'm going to bed.'' Brittany says as she gets up off my lap and goes into the bedroom shutting the door loudly behind her. I sit up and run my fingers through my hair fixing it. Sam and Myles sitting on the other couch, facing me wanting answers or something.

"Why did you guys have to do that?" I ask looking at them.

"Do what?" they say in sync.

"We're not dating ok it just happened." I say quite irritated.

"You can't just kiss someone you have no intentions of being with." Sam says looking pretty annoyed.

"Yeah dude that's low." Myles tells me.


Lamar and Jennie and Isaac and Logan & Vic all come in from the kitchen.

Isaac's POV; ( Special POV)

Lamar, Jennie, Logan, Victoria and myself are all in the kitchen eating cake and talking when we hear sudden shouting from the living room not long after we heard a door slame, it was Trevor's voice. I was a little worried. We all looked at eachother as Trevor yelled; "IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUISNESS."

"What's going on out there?" Vic looks shocked.

"I thought britt was out there by herself?" Jennie says confused.

"We should go see if it's all okay." i say.

"Yeah." Lamar says.

We all walk out into the living room to see Trevor sitting on one couch by himself but Myles and Sam on the next couch, but no Britt where is she???

"Everything alright?" I ask looking at them.

Sam looked upset, and Myles didn't look to happy either but none of there faces came close to how furious Trevor looked.

"If I want to make out with my best friend, then I will and it's none of any one of your business what Britt and I do or don't do okay?" Trevor screamed before getting up and knocking on the door to the bedroom which Britt must have been in there.

Him and Brittany must have been making out and Myles and Sam must have walked in, it's the only thing that made sense. I felt bad for my boy, him and Brittany can't share a moment without something going wrong.

"Should I go see if there okay?' Sam asks wipping a tear from her eye.

Vic immediately lets go of my arm and goes over and hug's Sam who felt bad.

"It's okay beautiful, they'll calm down." Vic says sweetly as she rocks Sam back and forth. Jennie puts her arm over Sam too, understandingly.

I sat with Myles but he didn't say anything.

Brittany's POV;

I'm laying on the floor of the bedroom Inbetween the 2 bunks, with my head curled into the blanket which I'm laying with and I'm just crying, i was so happy with Trevor I just wish It didn't have to be so complicated or Myles and Sam walk in to see me shoving my tounge down my best friends throat. I heard knocks at the door then the voice spoke up.

"Brittstar, it's Trevvy bear." Trevor spoke softly.

"Let me in princess." he spoke softly yet again.

"C'mon beautiful let me in." he tells me sweetly.

I go to open up the door and I jump into his arms and hug him, crying my eyes out, he shuts the door behind him and we hug for awhile.

"Is it always going to be this hard?" I ask Trevor.

He put's his hand on my knee as we lean against the ledge of my bed.

" I know what could make you feel better." Trevor says sweetly.

"And what's that?" I ask him cheekily.

"We could do that whole kissing thing again, because I really liked that." Trevor said sweetly.

He liked us making out? Did I just hear that right? Oh my.

"I liked it too." I tell him cheekily.

My mood changed from sad to happy again in a matter of minutes. Trevor was perfect.

"Well then I'm wait-" before I could finish my sentence yet again Trevor's warm dedicate lips crashing into mine, and we were sitting how we were before my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms wrapped around his neck firmly tracing the bare skin on the back of his neck just before his jumper started. He had perfect grip of me, and he was running his hands up my bare back, causing me to tingle.

Trevor's POV;

Britt and I have been making out for a good half an hour at least, pulling away every so often for air. We eventually detach our lips at the same time. we just made out, that's it.

"That was nice." britt tells me with a smile.

"So can we do that again sometime?" I ask britt cheekily.

"Maybe best friend." britt tells me with a smirk.

"That's a yes then." I reply with a little laugh.

"We'll see....." britt tells me.

I enjoyed making out with Britt, it was everything I always expected it to be...

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